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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    They’re always fussy about the car they’re buying but not so fussy about their p/x with oil as thick as tar (that’s if you can see any on the dipstick), cambelt 2 years overdue, tyres like Duncan Goodhew’s head & brakes grinding like an old cement mixer.
  2. 1 point
    Run an earth to the loom a bit further up and see if that cures it.
  3. 1 point
    I seem to recall a similar issue with a Sharan turned out to be the fluid level sensor.
  4. 1 point
    Should of retailed the car back to them , they have their plate back then
  5. 1 point
    Being an Aussie you should be used to swimming with sharks..... Making statements like that to the UK motor trade is asking for problems!
  6. 1 point
    When selling an old banger it is going to have faults. You just have to over yourself by stating them clearly in the advert and on the PDI / purchase invoice. The customer signs and agrees the faults were present at the point of sale, they are then excluded from being covered by the CRA. In all sales scenarios protect yourself, your business and the consumer. If they’re a pain on collection, they’ll be worse post sale. Don’t sell them the car, don’t sell yourself trouble. There is nothing wrong with doing the above, but the car MUST still be roadworthy. If the car is unroadworthy it must be sold as unroadworthy and trailored away. Don’t compromise the above and never sell a car as “sold as seen”. Buy some Lawgstics PDI and invoice pads. Good luck.
  7. 1 point
    Bought a car from Robins and Day through Full Auction, had a cherished plate so I called up to see if it was going with the car. Was told it was, so in my head it was making the car great value. Once I had it bought and collected they came back looking for the reg. Seems the previous owner had bought a new car from them, traded in his and some sales man fu*ked up somewhere and the plate wasn't transferred over. I refused to give it back as it was worth £800 and had been told it was mine. I got booted off the site but didn't care as I had had enough of their poor appraisals anyhow.
  8. 1 point
    My old dad used to offer that sort of deal years ago , he was a greengrocer . Oranges were 10p each or 5 for 60p . i was amazed how many old dears bought 5