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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Numerous times but at the time you’re pissing into the wind trying to talk sense into them. They often come crawling back 6-12 months later.
  2. 1 point
    We both know how it works, clearly. The amount of people who I have tried to explain it to is incredible (not OP, I don't mean that). People who think I draw £2k out of everything and must be having it off. Then I explain how even on cars I have lost money on, I still have to pay the VAT margin because I still sold it for more than the hammer price (but lost on heavy recon).
  3. 1 point
    Yeah it has been dragging out. I mean, they are putting cars through 3/4 times nowadays. Used to get the majority from BCA now it's all spread from 3. I understand there is a shortage of "quality" used cars around, especially now 2/3 more main dealer groups have started within the used car market and not putting as much of their part ex's through, but prices in the last 2 weeks have been insane.
  4. 1 point
    This year Been like it for ages now in my opinion Reports are not worth a thought either now days
  5. 1 point
    Heres a good old fashioned idea - fill the reg doc in with a pen and post it to DVLA! I Still do this with all my sales (send a bundle of docs every couple of weeks), never an issue, even an old blue doc. I think its as quick as filling it in online and means I get a walk off site for 5 minutes with a justified reason.
  6. 1 point
    It can be Dealer but the forum provides some great support. Be careful who you choose. Remember, if you do use a new MOT station, if it fails on anything, that information will be available for everyone to see forever. Also, if an engineer is aware of the reasons for a second opinion, they may either decide not to get involved or be whiter than white, in orther words - grey areas become failures just to cover their backs. I wish you luck and my guess is you will win. I am with @BHM though, I would have remedied those suspension components, or may be even offer this as part of your dosier. "Judge, the independent report states that the vehicle is in roadworthy condition and any shortcomings are borne out of fair wear and tear for a vehicle of this age and mileage. As a gesture of goodwill, even though those components are subject to fair wear and tear, I am prepared to replace XYZ in order to offer some form of resolution."
  7. 1 point
    The car had a new mot last month along with a report from the garage in response to the one made by Volvo. He insinuated that even The Volvo report may not be considered as expert evidence as they may be biased towards the claimant (for financial reasons obviously as we all well know), I will look at all 3 assessors credentials before choosing one and even asked if he can ensure they are not from the area in which he resides. It's doubtful he knows 3 mechanics in a given area who would all be willing to lie on his behalf and I've insisted it gets carried out at my premises (I still have the vehicle also) with my mechanic present to ensure there is no foul play or sabotage even (OK I know this may be a step too far but I'd rather be safe than sorry as this may be last chance saloon). Thanks once again everyone, I remember Mark101 saying once that it can be a lonely job at times and that statement has kind of sticky with me throughout this episode.
  8. 1 point
    Well that is excellent, judge obviously seen through the "free check", he wants to see a non biased report from someone who is not on bonus, claimant has to pay for "expert" witness, claimant has to make car available, claimant has to forward documents to court, upon seeing the report if its in your favour judge may even decide the case without a further hearing as he she will read it before giving a date for a hearing, claimant may not even bother if they think they are on a looser, so if you do not get a response in reasonable time from claimant re expert witness, apply to court for strike out of case due to claimant not doing as told by judge, judge has brought up the age / mileage too, good, so the bottom line is claimant has relied on poor evidence for there claim, you may not hear anymore, heres hoping thanks for the update.