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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Bca mostly for me, although I refuse to get into bidding wars when prices are high and everyone’s getting desperate buying scrap at retail money. When we get a period like that I will start browsing private ads.
  2. 1 point
    Prawn cracker too?? Thank you. I actually live on a old farm in mid Devon.. make the hour commute each day for the catchment area
  3. 1 point
    I wouldn’t take offence anyway, always happy to hear other people’s views. Ive been trading for 10 years now. 4 years from a compound while I ran a mot station, 4 years at a smaller site and now 2 years at the forecourt and showroom I currently have. With the more expensive stuff I stock I tend to buy older 996’s Mercedes SLs and even have a 1969 E type at the moment so I’m open to buying all sorts just seem to of had a easier ride with the cheapies recently.
  4. 1 point
    Tbh recently I’ve done better (selling more & easier) with the handful of £4K-5K cars that I stock rather than the £1500-2000 range. Punters on the 1500-2000 cars seem to want the earth & don’t mention the ‘scrap’ spares etc. market! Those punters on the sub £500 cars haven’t got a ha’penny to scratch their arses. The penniless want warranties, guarantees, assurances etc. so unless you can be arsed to Facefuck/Scumtree the heaps of shit & meet them in Tesco’s car park to do the deal You might as well scrap them. PS - a man on a £5K Volvo wanted to part ex his old Corsa. Silver, battered, wheeltrims, 2008, 150,000 miles, 1.3 diesel (I didn’t think they’d do that sort of miles). I offered him £100 but he declined so I gave him the £100 discount NOT to part exchange it. Apparently he’s going to get it freshly serviced for the next owner (I kid you not) as he’s confident it’s worth decent money. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth but he’ll soon find out once it’s advertised.
  5. 1 point
    Welcome, good luck to you. I can't tolerate the bargain hunters, much prefer the lumpier stuff and the more realistic, polite, educated customer they attract. How is it that a buyer on a £10k car accepts the odd small imperfection (I often hear "Well, it is to be expected isn't it, it's not brand new"), yet the £1,000 ers want to know when the belt was last changed, how long it has been in stock, will I swap for their X, the tyres don't match etc and they often bring their own "expert." They seem to call/email/message at rediculous hours of the day and cannot put a logical sentence together and always "know their rights." This is why I am so keen to drop all my old sub £5k crap and move into lumpier territory. The finance comms these attract equate to selling the odd cheapie in any case. It is my intention to offer nothing below £5k once the crap has sold on (unless coming in PX).
  6. 1 point
    Thank you, I have a small unit with a ramp and a mechanic who preps sales stuff and covers warranty work. Keeps the cost down. We get some headaches but in general people are happy. Hi Tom Highbridge.. land of opportunity ha Thank you
  7. 1 point
    Correction,fake news........it was A60’s we used to doorstep ?
  8. 1 point
    I have BCA 2 mins up the road, that occupies 2 mornings a week. Have a lad to do all the running around, I clean inbetween viewings etc
  9. 1 point
    We use a rotary for heavy defects but for beginners I’d recommend a twin head polisher like Autosmart’s one.. we actually use a cheap copy from eBay for half the price but it’s dual action so hard to mess it up!
  10. 1 point
    Another shout for a numatic George, Autosmart g101 or brisk with a scrubbing brush and a plastic sponge is all you need
  11. 1 point
    Dont tell the customer its been repaired shhhhhhhhhhh its
  12. 1 point
    Never tried it, I'm a bit of a square but vaping (as does smoking and alcohol) does reduce stress IMO. If you've never smoked/vaped......don't. You can't miss what you haven't had.
  13. 1 point
    OMG - mind reader, word for word.
  14. 1 point
    Some of these Eastern European car wash’s are good guys and they can do a lot for £30.Then just finish them off yourself.No need to use one of these new bullshit breed of prima Dona valeters called detailers.They tend to be too expensive,too slow,don’t like doing wet vacs and when you show them how to cut corners,they take the huff.They don’t understand that a lot of the best car dealers started off as valeters.
  15. 1 point
    "What will you give me?" Cock