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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Unless you are a skilled photographer and have an in depth knowledge of digital processing, a high end Dslr camera will not get you the best results. I own several high end Dslr cameras as my "other job" is photography related. However, I use a smart phone to take my car photos as its a lot quicker and easier and gives excellent results relative to effort. iPhones ...apart from the very latest X models do not have brilliant cameras, Samsung and Huawei are better. Dslr cameras are designed mainly to capture digital imagery in raw format for manual processing in a digital dark room and this is where they excel. To first capture the best raw data you need to have the knowledge and skill to set them up correctly relative to the conditions and circumstances. A high end smartphone will give better results for most people as they are doing all the setting and processing for you. The same applies to video. A full frame Dslr is capable of capturing Cinematic quality video in the right hands, but most people will do better with a smartphone or Go-Pro.
  2. 1 point
    This is a great detailed reply, however this is currently what I’m doing. i am aware that even if the voltage is good, the battery can be duff? Dropped a cell? Not sure. I’ll maintain what I’m/you’re doing then seek a more thorough tester as the chaps have suggested
  3. 1 point
    I’ve been with iphone since they launched the “4” and to be honest I’ve got so used to how the iPhone works that when I try and use a mates android I just get annoyed with it and find it “not obvious” where apps and uses are laid out. Just thought ide mention it, as mybe worth considering staying with what you are used to - “better the devil you know” and all that jazz! Thanks for all you reply guys - really appreciate your time
  4. 1 point
    For the last 9 years I've been using a multimeter which I bought for £10 quid. I can check the battery voltage and the alternator, as rule of thumb a charged battery should hold between 12.6-12.9v. Then start the car and the voltage should be anything from 13.9v-14.4v which shows that the alternator charging system is working for my PDI. If your battery is below 12.6v its on its way out from my experience, you could try charing it over night (i use a Ring RCB320 workshop battery charger) and see if it brings it up to level, if it don't then get yourself a new battery. If your alternator is not getting you a minimum of 13.9v its on its way out so get that sorted before you flip the motor. Using the multimeter is cheap cost effective and gives me the confidence that the battery and charging system are good before its sold as like you I hate complaining whining customers post sale lol. If your up for forking out 100-200 quid you can get one which prints it out for you and it will save you some time in the testing part, personally i enjoy testing it with the multimeter lol cheap thrills i guess Anyways i hope this helps mate. Cheers, Amer.
  5. 1 point
    Yes exactly. No one has the time to look through why a car doesnt have a registered keeper. A registered keeper doesnt mean he's the owner... Tax it. Mot it. And insure it. Then drive it. Traffic cops are focused on driving offences and road legal cars. They dont have time for tax or keepers. They're like the lowest offences of the lot. Get pulled just mention the vehicle was just bought and / or its in the trade. Road wars etc are 10+ years old when there was traffic cops. The whole policing priorities have since then changed.
  6. 1 point
    Hi DAJP, do you manage your GoogleAds account in house? How do you track your conversions?
  7. 1 point
    That's fine tradegirl, I just read it both ways and wasn't really sure. I think the few techniques I use are pretty basic, don't pounce on them the minute they arrive, but don't ignore them either. I just nod my head, say hello and leave them for a couple of minutes. If they are still there then is the time to approach. Control the conversation, but don't be too pushy, and get them sat down and away from their part ex as that reduces their emotional attachment to it. They think more clearly when they aren't looking at their dearly beloved (knackered) old car! I often reward the nice customers who don't ask for a discount or quibble about the price, by throwing in an extended warranty or chipping £100 off the price. I already had them on the hook, the deal was done, but that gesture will stick in their mind for next time.
  8. 1 point
    Welcome and good luck! Very impressive to have done 60 in 4 months from home you must be doing something right. What kind of stock are you selling and are you sourcing them all privately? The forum is definitely a great resource and always good to get new ideas and people involved I think
  9. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I would also like to take the opportunity to introduce myself. I have started a few months back (only part time for now) after reading a lot of useful information on this forum. First thing I did was to buy the digital magazine, an excellent read. I also went to CDX in Farnborough where I met a lot of knowledgeable people. Then I opened a LTD, bought insurance, got trade plates, warranty booklets, registered with auction houses, bought a couple of cars and advertised them at a reasonable price on different platforms. To date I haven’t sold anything and they’re both 1 owner full main dealer service history and new MOT. I’m sure they will sell sooner or later but I must say 60 cars in 4 months is a good going in this extremely challenging and competitive industry.
  10. 1 point
    I quite like getting up and going to work. Perhaps that is because it is my business. I prefer it now I have an employee and there is always something to do. I spend most of my time looking for stock, tweaking photos and adverts, organising servicing, doing the books etc. Eating....of course. Tomorrow for example, I have 2 hand overs and at least (I have genuinely lost count) 4 people saying they will pop down on Monday to see XYZ. I absolutely love the buzz of being busy (now there are two of us to help move stock, test drives etc). The quiet times do my head in though. The way I see it is, what else am I going to do? Kids have grown up and moved out and the Mrs is at work anyway. Weekend viewings have to be very well qualified because I reckon it is 3 hours home to home once I have opened up and closed up again. That isn't happening for a "can I have a look." I reckon I sell as many cars to walkers on as I do phone appointments. Certainly when I buy a car, I like to see the set up before I engage in conversation.
  11. 1 point
    I've got a Nikon D5600 and an iPhone X. Admittedly, I am not the world's best photographer, but no matter how hard I try, the iPhone produces the best, most honest and hassle-free results every time. When I spend ages doing photos with the Nikon, the results look too good if that makes sense, they have a kind of dishonest 'magazine' feel to them which I do not think the punters want.
  12. 1 point
    remember its part camera part setting, lighting and angles for a good pic
  13. 1 point
    Huawei Mate 20 Pro smartphone. Awesome pictures and a few lenses (including a wide lens, perfect for for the back through to front 2 x seats shot). Amazing bit of kit and so simple to use!
  14. 1 point
    Found it!! Thanks mate - deleted the other post!! lol