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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Trouble with main dealers are they employ 17yr old apprentices and one master tech who doesn't get involved with older cars , least thats the case round here anyway . I run one of these 5.0 litre XFR beasts , love it , but my son works on it so its not been near a main dealer , i will ask him when he gets back if he knows anything about your problem , seems coincidental that's its happened after the injector work , He's had mine in a million bits changing chains and tensioners and guides , new pulley on super charger , VVT parts replaced before the re map , never had water problems though . How many miles has it done ? cos some things changed in the engine on various years .
  2. 1 point
    I'm just going to throw this out there, but could it be possible that whoever did the Injector job had to undo a jubilee and move a hose to get at it, then rushed the job and left it loose ?? Seems funny it wasn't pouring out before and a few miles later it is ............ No doubt your garage will find the issue
  3. 1 point
    I dont agree with treating cars different based on price, someones £2500 in there eyes is there new car the same to someone spending £7500-£15000-£25000 if you want a sale regardless of the window price you should add value, In my eyes that is the definition of a used car sales person (very modern of me to use person)
  4. 1 point
    anything apart from bangers and trade sales have to be cleaned within an inch of there lives, Unless every single person is commenting how well looked after it is and how immaculate it is your not at the right level of valet, All used cars will have evidence of wear and tear but if you can get your car clean to such an extent that your punters are not seeing this evidence of use and wear then you are half way to a sale, If you give your customers no reason to walk then why would they, A perfectly clean car as near to "new" as is possible will give you more sales. As we know the PLC brigade use minimum wage guys and its all done in 20 min by 5 persons there is no way there clean is anywhere near mine and thats my difference at the point of sale
  5. 1 point
    Putting myself in a punters shoes, if I was a customer I would not pay an admin fee I would sooner walk.
  6. 1 point
    Stone chip on a bonnet will not make any difference to a modern day buyer’s decision. If they walked away it WASN’T because of one stone chip on a bonnet. I’ve never steamed cleaned an engine bay in the 14 years I’ve been selling cars and it definitely hasn’t lost me much (if any) business. Get some water in an engine ECU, let if freeze overnight, see what happens:-)
  7. 1 point
    Unless you are doing cheapies,if you skimp on valeting or any prep you will lose business.It was instilled in me when I worked on an open pitch when I was a boy that your stock had to look mint at all times,be off the button and smell nice.How often when you leave a stonechip on a bonnet thinking it will sell and it doesn’t.You then get it done and it sells quickly.I know a lot of punters don’t open the lid to inspect and listen before buying these days but for the time it takes,I think you have got to do it.
  8. 1 point
    better to buy it with as massive leak than one thats had snake oil added to hide a leak can you imagine selling it and the owners 100 miles down the motorway and it blows not worth thinking about is it bread and butter is the way to go because donkeys are only 2 1/2 for shitters