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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    It's like that for me, I do nothing for a week.. then 3.. then 2... then 3.. waves of buyers.... then nothing....historically I average 12 a month... I'm taking time off now whilst the boys are off school, I'm back after Easter. Hoping to sell a couple via email on the beach whilst I'm away (phone on Airplane mode), we will see..... I expect I'll be prolific on here whilst away, so apologies upfront to anyone I might piss off...... BTW, I have been wanting to say, I like your new website and especially the way you've written it up, very genuine, very honest, not too complicated and pushy.. You come across really well Mark, trustworthy and reliable.. People buy from people...
  2. 1 point
    really? even the sunday times makes many many errors in its copy because spell check is not used correctly,how many times do you read on here breaks for brakes,we have a great language and the old sayings are still true,use it or lose it,even my wife prefers to txt rather than to actually speaking on a phone sad days ahead,remember if the kids of today would rather be in their bedrooms on a games machine rather than fixing an old clock or playing with meccano then the engineers of the future will not properly understand metallurgy and or boeing planes that become too technology driven to the point they crash just sayin...........................
  3. 1 point
    I have VOIP with BT and as NOA says, it is brilliant - make and receive calls using a virtual landline from my mobile. After hours, I still have my mobile for personal use but the business caller only gets to the out of hours voicemail, which if they leave a message I return the call during sensible hours, stops screamers ruining your Friday night. Great for differentiating between business and social calls.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Lazz, we use Overline. Very nice bunch of people. Get an ap on your mobiles so you can receive and make calls as if you’re in the office etc. Decent set of office handsets and you only need one phone line but can still receive multiple calls/use the card machine etc. Customer doesn’t know anything it just rings the office and your mobile at the same time.
  5. 1 point
    Hi @Stalker Yes Buddy, I've had it in bits a million times, it's a very long story, but I'll be as brief as I can ........... Guy used to live in Yorkshire, now lives in Dornie, while he was visiting Yorkshire Xmas 2017 he traded in his old Car and bought the VAG crap, on way home up comes flashing GP light, I read it, it went back to car dealer, he took to Turbo specialist, came back with new (non genuine) Actuator, still same flashing GP and code, I spoke to Turbo guys who def knew what they were on about, I set it up exactly how they said with Vac Gauge, still same, (it only does this very intermittent) sometimes it'll do 10 miles and do it, sometimes 1000 miles It to and fro'd to Yorkshire a few times, Dealer did offer a refund, but guy liked the Car and opted to keep it He was happy with Dealer and I took over the fixing of it. Next I fitted a genuine new Actuator and set it all up again, still the same. Next I checked out wiring from ECU to Actuator, all good and fine, told guy to live with it, it doesn't go into limp, doesn't put up EML, runs fine etc, just puts up flashing GP light, always seems to be when coming to a stop !! No other codes over thousands of miles. Switch it off and restart, flashing gone, still drives OK. FIIK (fucked if i know) but it would be good to ring him and tell him I now know what is wrong wi' it and can fix it lol !! It's the only one I haven't actually fixed in 3 years of running this particular business, I would have carried on with it, but he doesn't earn a lot of dough, and has already spent loads of bucks on a fault that is having no ill effects other than being a bloody nuisance
  6. 1 point
    short runs shit fuel crap part
  7. 1 point
    Blame technology and society. People don't want to read any more or even type. They're becoming lazy. Facebook even has preloaded messages on market place "isit still for sale?" "fsh?" etc and you just have to click. People say things like this make life easier. But is really typing a sentence making life hard? On FB people just spam "i want car £2000 to spend" yet people spam them with cars £5k+ this is an example of BOTH lazy and thick people. In another thread about payment methods, there's the mention of cash. Yet cash is seen as criminal nowadays. It isnt though. Technology has made people lazy people are unable to count money these days especially big wads. There's videos on YouTube about how cashless China is already. You can pay a street vendor via your phone by scanning his barcode. As an ex copper yes some crime can be committed with hard cash. Yet even more crime can be committed with electronic methods such as contactless cards, fraud and the dark underworld of bitcoin. Technology will mean authorities will control your business. I dont just mean tax. Electronic payment and online advertising - if you been a bad boy at the click of a button your accounts could be frozen or even your site blocked. 20 years from now and a lot of people will be unable to read and write and this will be due to incomptency and laziness thanks to technology.