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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Once a case is struck out can a claimant reapply for another case? I would check this out properly. Since this involves a business and consumer, the courts will ask you, the business, to prove the goods were fit for purpose at the time of sale. Since you have the text messages about the glow plugs before he bought the car, you can use that as proof the customer knew he would be purchasing an otherwise fit for purpose car, minus the fault already presented to him. A friend asked me to be his lawyer for a small claims against his business and we won. Having been through that I believe you can easily win this case, however for the amount of time you would spend to prepare and defend the case, you could easily put into buying and selling a couple of cars and making a few k that way, so it's not logical to waste time on this case when you can spend your time wisely elsewhere. I would tell the billy you're happy to refund him provided the car repaired back to the same condition it was sold to him in AND it be driven back to you, none of this funny recovery business. Also, only email or text him from now on. If he rings, tell him to communicate to you in writing (so you have proof of all comms if needed). How can the gearbox be stuck in 1st AND the key be missing? Even my old 1993 Mercedes didn't let me remove the key from the ignition unless the gear lever was in Park - how have they managed to do it? Did they remove the ECU and key, fit it to another car and fit this with a duff ECU or something? Definitely do a full inspection if it comes to it.
  2. 1 point
    What do you mean no repair needed? Has it got a new MOT and has it just been serviced/Pdi’d? If the answer is no to any of these questions, then you aren’t doing your ‘job’ properly or giving yourself the best chance to sell it. You’re also not covering your arse.
  3. 1 point
    You can control it by NOT DOING IT. Especially the garage idea. You need to find a friendly independent garage to do your work (rare as it’s going to be at this rate) and SHOP AROUND before getting any work done. Maybe someone on here is in your general area of London and can recommend a place.
  4. 1 point
    Contacted courts they have advised us he will need to start a new case as his application to reinstate was declined. Didn't write glow plugs issue on invoice but do have the text messages before he put down a deposit saying there is a fault with them and we have not had it looked at as we dont invest sufficient time in part exchange stock. How do we know the garage didn't snap the glow plugs while trying to change them?
  5. 1 point
    Say ‘Full Jaguar History’ (are you sure this is correct?) You’ve said nothing about condition etc. Also, I don’t think the BCA AA check does indeed check ‘everything’, but is rather limited to visual inspections. I could be wrong. Where’s Benji when you need him! ;o) ‘All pass’ should say ‘passed’. Why not look at some other adverts like Nick’s or EPV etc. and see what you like.
  6. 1 point
    If he isn’t agreeing to your terms regarding inspection then get his comments in writing and see him in court.
  7. 1 point
    You do of course have the right to inspect the car mate. My initial reply was probably a half hearted one as this sounds like a right headache. Get the car back, with a working key, explain you will be inspecting the vehicle and if the only issue with the car is the glow plug one you will refund but after you have had the car delivered back and inspected. Pretty much ignore his rants and threats and get on with your life.
  8. 1 point
    I do think you’re too nice Lucas. I know it’s your custom (and to some point it should be the same over here). However, you need to be tough in business. Tell him to FOff if you want. Tell me to. I don’t mind. Stop apologising all the time! :0) We know you’re green and you have had some great advice which will, I’m sure continue. You are going to catch a major cold the way you are going. I can understand you having a go at the car sales, as you can learn as you go (without taking too much of beating) but why aren’t any of the junk advertised still? (I loved the comment above about just going to Vegas. I had thought of similar advice involving a certain Dutch town..)
  9. 1 point
    Hopefully the bank sees some sense and refunds the money... Do you still have to complete the purchase of that vehicle David? Ring the dealers, explain this predicament and if possible ask them to lower their price a fair bit to help you absorb that loss. If the money is eventually returned (even months later) send the dealership the difference. They are not exactly at fault but the leak or hack is probably at their end or DA.
  10. 1 point
    Entertaining as this is on a quiet december afternoon, I really do hope to have more to do in January than look at what some clown on a keyboard wants to write about 'setting up a business' seliing cars and getting a workshop
  11. 1 point
    I had 4 emails from the dealer, all the same layout, the last email had the invoice attached and bank details just like what you normally get, solicitor has said it could be the dealers fault for not having the correct online security in place
  12. 1 point
    10 YEAR LEASE...!!!! REALLY.... At this stage in your motor trade career? you should be looking at 3 years max. No, 12 months rent is not a reasonable deposit, we had a six year lease and paid 1.5 months rent as a deposit... i'm assuming your running round with your pants around your ankles atm ( google 'pulled my pants down' if your not sure of that phrase)
  13. 1 point
    Absolutely agree /\ /\ /\ When I first started in the Auto box game all there was was C3 Fords GM 180's and the odd yank TH350 / 400 in Jensens etc That was vey good to me over the years, but I got out 12 years ago, writing was on the wall !! I don't need to work now, I'm only doing what I do now because 1) It keeps me outta the Pub all day long, 2) I love Cars and like a challenge, (new Technology), 3) I am providing a service to my local Community, 4) It supports and gives perks for my continually growing Car collection If I was 16 years old now, knowing what I know now, NO WAY would I get involved in the Motor Trade as it is now, so if I was Lucas, in this current time, I would put my money into IT !!
  14. 1 point
    LOL, got my Xmas pressie to myself early, went and picked it up almost 2 weeks ago, 2004 SLK to add to my Benz collection My works do is Sunday pm down the Dornie Hotel ............................ Oh wait............................ That's every Sunday
  15. 1 point
    Lucas- do not do it. You're asking for a kick in the unmentionables. Heed the above advice FFS. One year lease at the most with only one to three months upfront. And get a solicitor to look over the paperwork as Rory says.
  16. 1 point
    Due to the fantastic support from over 60 supplier/partners we've been able to keep the membership FREE for dealers for 2019.( Hopefully this will continue to be so for the future but we'll keep all members updated should there be a fee) www.theimda.co.uk