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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    For anyone who hasn’t read the Big Mike Column in the magazine- I highly recommend it. You can see the previous ones online. Most amusing (and often nostalgic to the days we long-in-the-tooth traders remember) and the main reason I subscribe to it. T.V. I wonder whether your question my well end up featuring in one of his future issues.. I predict the answer will be something like: ‘bloody modern cars are no better than a Christmas cracker toy made in Taiwan, and just as likely to self-destruct as actually be useful. That and the fact you can make more profit out of an old car and don’t have to push GAP, finance, Supaguard, service plan’s etc. Mind you- he had to sell Morris Itals etc new I think, so he knows what he’s on about. I always thought he was BHM (Big Hairy Mike) as he’s in the same neck-of-the-woods ;o) Anyway, welcome Big Mike. A la Wayne’s World: we are not worthy!
  2. 1 point
    Thought it was about time. I've only been associated with Car Dealer for about 11 years... It's taken me that long to master the internet. Apparently it sells cars ;-)
  3. 1 point
    Had a guy try and chop in a 04 Panda with 234k on it but wanted actual money for it. Was like triggers broom...
  4. 1 point
    My Brothers 04 plate V70 D5 Auto with 668,589 miles numerous Service BOOKS all our stamps , 7 Cam belt changes , every time he's close to us he stops for oil change , coffee or lunch and a Cam Belt Gave him £40 cash for it and a Polish fella bought it px to clear for £600 hope his new V70 goes as well .
  5. 1 point
    My MOT Guy just called in to get a Code Read on his 4x4, he is pissing himself, "Fucking twat advised that !!" was his comment However, he did say since this years new regs came in a lot more is now "In the opinion of the tester" so I'm guessing your guy is a real anal one. BTW another of my pet hates is Mechanics / Garages who do not reset Service Indicators when they Service a Car, or don't Erase a Fault Code once fixed That is a part of the bloody job !! And don't get me started on the absolute morons who do "Diagnosis" by pulling Wiring Plugs off while it's running "to see if it makes any difference mate" ....................... Then the Car ends up at a decent Garage with a few hundred Codes and CAN Bus errors in it
  6. 1 point
    get planning permission for your site for 15-20 houses. Sell the land.
  7. 1 point
    Final Result - DMF Locked Solid - now fixed Thanks Guys
  8. 1 point
    Honest John is wrong to make such a sweeping statement but there is an element of truth in it; a fellow trader bought, RETAIL, a 4 year old Merc from a Merc Dealer & that had a couple of knackered tyres, a welded-up alloy (yes, really) AND a crack in the windscreen. To make matters worse they’d MOT’d it the day before collection. When was this? Less than 3 months ago. And here’s me the other week, MOT’d a £999 VW which got advisories on tyres but they were so close to the limit I replaced them.
  9. 1 point
    Proper car dealers don’t like cars.We like buying them ( especially with juice in them) and selling them ( especially the ones that don’t come back ) and nowadays we like making an annual net profit,which sadly very few appear to do.
  10. 1 point
    For clarification, That means Spares Or Repairs.... Not Sale Or Return!!!.....right Dave ?
  11. 1 point
    For the record, I will fix my dads car for ever without any complaints. He bought me up as a single dad from the age of 5 whilst running a successful business and gave me a childhood some people can only dream of - he truly is the nicest, gentlest, kindest most humble person you could ever meet (and people continue to tell me how much they love him) He is my hero but he is fucking irritating now he has gone deaf.
  12. 1 point
    I resisted my usual ‘German crap, what do you expect’ statement :o)
  13. 1 point
    Christmas? What again? Didnt we just have one a few months ago?
  14. 1 point
    Hey, Benji ............... Block of wood on trolley jack under sump , start it, sit in it, pay attention to vibe then get someone to pump jack thus lifting the Engine about 1/4 to 1/2 inch, vibe should get less Oh that's 6 to 12mm for you youngsters BTW
  15. 1 point
    Christ mate, what a day. As you know, I’m no stranger to a run of bad luck, you just have to keep ploughing through it, whatever needs to be spent, spend it, and get through the other side of the bad run. Cars are c**ts.
  16. 1 point
    You haven’t got a fucking clue. Don’t even bother. Ridiculous post.
  17. 1 point
    No, but that's the title they are using for the film.