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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Well, that’s the end of that then. Move along nothing to see here....
  2. 1 point
    I think TG has learnt a lesson this one about the fine and neither of you im sure need to keep this going buddy. I agree what you are saying and no doubt there are traders like that. However, TG wouldn't be one of them as she has posted extensively, including showing examples of her vehicles listing on autotrader if I remember correctly. Plus these guys makes their money much easier than the rest of us and TG wouldn't be posting about the kind of issues she has had with sold cars if she was a gangster type as it just wouldn't matter to her. Good night to you both, maybe best to leave things like they are now.
  3. 1 point
    Do you not have a family to spend time with on a Sunday night mate? I think we all get the point and you're just going on and on.. She shouldn't of parked there.. lesson learned, fingers burned.. move on.
  4. 1 point
    Mate Jesus calm down. You registered to INFORM me? Yes I genuinely have parked there 3-4 times as do other vehicles, and I'm not some skivvy arsehole looking to get out of £70. It was a genuine mistake and I'm sure all these parking tickets go towards a good cause such as fixing all the bloody potholes in the roads that go unfixed for months on end. I'm sure they end up in the same pot of money as the fines given by coppers riding buses booking people glancing at their phones at traffic lights. It was a genuine mistake and all I'm doing is asking a question. And I've no intention of landing anyone else in it either. And yes, my life IS that bloody hectic not that it's any of your business. What does Brexit have to do with anything Dave? Is it only foreigners who don't tax their vehicles, speed, and receive parking tickets? Are all the drivers on Consumer Rights forums and Pepipoo all foreigners then? Being a law abiding citizen I can only assume you've never gone past the speed limit. Drive at a steady 33mph? Or do you keep it at 29mph because it's a speed limit, not a target? Never had one drink over the limit? Never ridden a bike on the pavement? Jesus, some of you holier than thou righteous people really get on my nerves.
  5. 1 point
    You had nice neighbours Nick wonder why they don't just realise we are all people . Didn't like foreigners and got them to vote leave lol split my coffee reading that , You were a lucky chap to get the cars back though . Some people just cant mind their own noses can they ? reporting your cars for no tax outside your house . sad lives they lead don't they . We had one neighbour like that "reported my lad who was an apprentice then to the council for working on cars in my garage and running a business " was his own car by the way " she got four speeding fines in one day but she took the 6 month ban quite badly and then suffered a driving while banned ticket too and got an extension ban of 18 mths added and a £600 fine , cant imagine where that report was from Justice is served on a sweet plate . One good turn deserves another .
  6. 1 point
    Driver gets the fine not the car Your ticket , I'd pay it or you will be on next episode of " cant pay wont pay we'll take it away " arguing with a bailiff at £800 lol
  7. 1 point
    In fairness I was going to attack you a bit but remembered how I had two of my cars impounded for unpaid tax in my early years (maybe 2004). A neighbour must've rang the DVLA who sent a recovery vehicle from a private company based in West Drayton and they lifted both cars from our road. One was an old Sienna red (dog d**k red) BMW 5 series 530i, E34, value around a grand maybe, the other a 5 year old Alfa 156, beautiful car, worth maybe four grand at the time, half my operating capital. It took me a couple of days to locate the cars, another day to arrange the tax for them and I worried they might just scrap the old BMW. I went there to collect my cars and there was my BMW, washed and polished to a complete shine, right outside the office of the proprietor Mr Odel or Odell. He was a huge bloke, rough as you like, absolutely hated foreigners and was not pleased to see me there. I think he had decided to keep the BMW for himself and run around locally in it, presumably he would inform the DVLA that he'd scrapped it and charge them! The Alfa 156 was on a forklift, ready to be scrapped and the forks had bent a couple of suspension arms at the rear. It was so much hassle trying to get it recovered back, repaired and chase compensation from Odell for the bent arms, less than £200 but I got it weeks later after telling them I am about to "request the DVLA to arrange a full review by the Department of Transport". He must've made all his staff and friends and family to vote Leave in 2016.
  8. 1 point
    Just pay the fine and pay attention to these things in the future. And whatever you do don't ring your local council to tell them "The car is in the trade because I trade cars from home, do I still have to pay this fine..."
  9. 1 point
    go on the website, attempt to pay, and check how much it wants to charge you - around my area even though the fine increases after 14 days when you go to pay at 21 days it still asks for the discounted amount. Maybe it'll be the same for you
  10. 1 point
    It helps he lives in a great location. The lucky c*nt. i’m not jealous though. Not I.
  11. 1 point
    If ever someone has a Bulgarian name on a logbook (the ones that all sound like tennis players) and need to call the DVLA using a geographically appropriate accent I am offering my services, free of charge
  12. 1 point
    Easy mark , just ask the couple to call DVLA to say they can't remember ever seeing the V5! DVLA will post a new one out immediately as it's still in their name - you collect from the customer, quick and easy - Done this a few times and its worked for me. Umesh