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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Take a tip from an old person. If you've got a spare £200k, stick it in your pension!
  2. 2 points
    Go to Blackpool, change it all into pound coins and shuffle it into slot machines, less chance of dealing with lunatic privates and a chance of a better return.....
  3. 2 points
    Hi Lucas You must be very carefull.Keep in touch with us guys,you are entering ‘shark infested waters’.You need potential partners trading accounts and personal bank statements going back 3 years.You will need to check them out at Companies House and also get various other references.
  4. 1 point
    I started in the mid eighties as a young buck straight out of school with no decent qualifications. It was more about the cars I got to drive at a young age, XR2's XR3i's 205 GTi's Astra GTE's. The money was also very good for one so young. We had a freedom back then to actually learn the job, dealing with traders and valuing our own cars etc. As time went on the more controlled and regimented the job became, some groups didn't want experienced people....they wanted people who could follow their "process". I was fortunate that I always worked for smaller multi franchise dealers who weren't as rigid as long as the results were there! The hours were crazy though,,,,,,welcome to the motor trade, but it does get in your blood.I decided to go on my own when manufacturers started employing graduates to come into your business to tell you how it should be done, they didn't have a clue. most had never even sold a car. Making money is why I do it and it is what I know. Being your own boss is fantastic and I try and focus on the good punters out there and give them a good experience.
  5. 1 point
    You need thick skin to be in this game and must not take yourself too seriously: having a bit of a laugh along the way is essential. You've had lots of good advice- the best being just buy a few cars yourself and learn as you go or get involved somewhere as above. For the record: I would do ANYTHING else than this if I were you.
  6. 1 point
    I've stayed away from the brexit debate on here, other forums, in the pub, on the golf course and even at home for fear of causing myself a heart attack or seriously falling out with people. I no longer buy a paper, hardly watch the news and I'm more likely to watch Emmerdale than Question Time these days. Unlike you I'm struggling to respect anyone who voted yes (especially if they are Welsh or live and work in Wales) but like you, if any one thinks that the garden is suddenly going to become all rosy due to us leaving then I'll join you for a very large drink.
  7. 1 point
    i have bought hundreds if not thousands of cars over the years off traders who have gone on to be my friends, I try the car before i buy and i point out any faults to them at time of sale in the hope i can chip them, traders i buy off know me and how i deal and i like to think i can spot a problem but i am a professional in the motor trade and if a fault occurs after or if i havent spotted it its tough shit because i know if i become a whinging bastard i wont buy many more off them,,,,, u win some you lose some
  8. 1 point
    I am happy with my rep, just emailed you his details, not sure if he covers both our areas though.
  9. 1 point
    I've stayed away from the Brexit debate because of my inability (ineligibility rather) to vote. 20 years here and no right to cast a vote, there might be a couple of million remainers just like me that didn't vote for that reason so in reality the 51.9% is a lot less. So far no one has "won" anything, everyone I know is counting losses. But if someone thinks that their "lifestyle" might improve as a result - I respect your vote and I'll have double of what you've been drinking. I'll certainly need it to improve my lifestyle in the years to come...
  10. 1 point
    Lucas you've got no experience but you can gain it. Start with a couple of cars from home. Then 4, then keep increasing. You'll gain that experience. James and Mark work solo from home and they're doing well. Don't get involved with someone you don't know, especially if they know you have 200k to burn. Having a partner in any business means sharing the profit, access to YOUR money, and having to consider someone else's opinion. Trust me it's messy at times, and it can hurt people. You might lose money because your partner wanted to buy a car you didn't agree with. Or a car might fail in your hands. Mistakes happen and a partner isn't selected lightly. Be very careful. I'd personally start solo from home until you gain that experience. Then find a unit once you know what you're doing. You might not have car experience, but be on the ball and have a sharp eye even if you invest somewhere. Buy a crappy house, fix it up, sell it and repeat. Buy a piece of land with an old barn and make it into one of those fancy barn homes. Sell that. Invest a little bit in stocks. Maybe buy a unit for cars. ....that's actually a good question.
  11. 1 point
    Another reason why its a complete unexpected wear an tear failing and why you should always inspect cars yourself before agreeing any form on resolution. Customer could have had his car back the next day had he not been a twat.
  12. 1 point
    ‘ there could be economic chaos with a no deal Brexit and house prices could fall by a third if interest rates rise’ Blokes doing his job as far as i can see, it's called due diligence. Once you get past the scaremongering tabloid headlines and dig into it it's just part of a larger body of text stating it's a worst case scenario. A worst case scenario not an expected scenario. Stress testing banks is a pretty good lesson learnt if you ask anyone that stood outside a Northern Rock bank early in the morning a decade ago wondering if their life savings would still be in there come opening time. Would it make brexiteers feel better if he came out and declared that whilst the government are seemingly unable to force a favourable deal with the EU through, multinationals are refusing to invest in the UK, financial institutions are relocating and there is a considerable drop in EU nationals applying to work in roles unfulfilled by the UK population it's all going to be tickety boo? Ultimately 52% voted to upset the status quo, for better or worse. I didn't but accept it. But to then complain when someone in power acknowledges that there are probably a few waves on the horizon is a bit bloody rich.
  13. 1 point
    They are all "In the trade" until it goes wrong!!
  14. 1 point
    Would you care to elaborate bud. exactly how is the EU damaging your lifestyle?
  15. 1 point
    Some friends you have... Be more selective.
  16. 1 point
    As I said earlier albeit tongue in cheek, you could easily turn a big fortune into a little one. Take the first steps. Get your trade plates, buy a car and prep it, advertise it etc. I think you’re barking up the wrong tree looking to sink a lump into an existing business and form a partnership. Most wont want to be answering to anyone else and definitely not to someone who knows significantly less than them. I’d set yourself up small, learn a shit load yourself and from this forum and then after maybe 6 months, perhaps look to merge with someone else. Yes it’s slow but you need to learn fast and you will. Good luck, wish you all the best with it mate. Fair play for being prepared to give it a go.
  17. 1 point
    As above- be VERY careful and start with 30-50k/ see how you get on for a year or so FFS!