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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    As above. Never mention new engines, rebuilds, gearboxes, resprays etc. It will scare off the punters if you do. Weird, but true.
  2. 1 point
    mats and flaps be lucky to get a air freshener off me i usually swap it to another car 1 hour before collection
  3. 1 point
    make no mention, when they've gone and your counting the folding ensure the receipt for the engine is in with the paperwork for the car [receipt] just in case of any future comeback. kiss= keep it simple don't confuse the customer
  4. 1 point
    For me personally I would never look twice at an advert that states new engine fitted however good the workmanship was. Yes I know there’s a chance I’ve owned a car that’s had major work done at some point but i’d rather not know about it. Lets face it even for a qualified mechanic it’s a bit like building Ikea furniture. You always end up with a few bits left over.
  5. 1 point
    I assume with your careful wording the replacement engine wasn’t a NEW replacement. Assuming this to be the case destroy every receipt & reference to it and just sell it as a ‘normal’ car. Forget all of the bullshit about ‘low mileage engine’ or, God forbid, a reconditioned engine (modern engines do NOT respond well to cheap recon’s in back street garages - they’re things of exceptionally fine tolerances).
  6. 1 point
    I’ll be in a similar spot soon, although its a recon job rather than a replacement so i’ll say nowt in the advert and tell the billy when they arrive. I think it would put most people off, like they car has been tainted somehow. Which is daft but there you go.
  7. 1 point
    Don't forget to look in to planning permission for change of use before spending money on extending your garage and driveway. I trade from home and all was well until I added a small conservatory in 2013 to use as an office and started getting busy. The council visited and stopped me trading until I had full planning permission for change of use. Luckliy I got planning (although there were a few local objectors) and could continue trading from home. Then the rating office came round and assessed business rates, It was a joke really as they charged me £450 annual rates but will small business rate relief it reduced to zero. Because part of the land was now business related the council lowered the residential rate band which reduced our house by £550 per year.
  8. 1 point
    You drove it !!!!! That’s not the idea with this old stuff u are just meant to look at it... we have an old 944 in stock, was the dogs bollox to drive in the 80,s,,, jump out of any modern car and drive it now to realise how cars have changed in a relatively short time....it is fecking awful but still looks good...
  9. 1 point
    thank you all for your input. I think you have just confirmed what I thought. There is a unit coming up close by, around 2200sq ft. It's 8k per annum rent, business rate relief, but with services you're still talking 10k a year. I think I'll put 10k into my own house, extend my garage for an office and re-do the driveways. Give it 12 months and see how I am next year. Finance wise, everything is pretty much 6k upwards and thats where I would like to stay even with cars, so I would imagine finance would be popular, but time will tell. Thanks again, Dane
  10. 1 point
    You could offer the moon on a stick, free with a car, and people would still want to chip you.