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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Yes, you can. The key is not to stand in the back footwell, shout at the crowds and keep your arm in a straight extended position :-)
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Convertibles are for gays and girls.... You look like a twat driving one......
  4. 1 point
    German poo. Not like the old days Chief! I’d happily leave it where it breaks down at £495 in chop.
  5. 1 point
    are you going to do a big reveal on it lol
  6. 1 point
    Ahaaaaaa I've spent most afternoon cleaning it and it's now tucked up ready for listing Tomorrow
  7. 1 point
    Great thread Arfur. I had a personal injury claim business for a bit and used to make good money from this and just saved and saved. Ended up buying a few cars to use for the non fault car hire process. Used to buy them in and sell them again after hire period privately. Learned a lot doing this. A lot of regulation changed in the accident claim business and the earnings were reduced or capped I should say so I ended up buying a couple of hand car washes which did quite well for a while. I used to find the odd person who usually had the £10 mini valet asking about a £50 full valet and they were going to be taking the car to we buy any car etc so would just offer them around the same money there and then and save them a trip. Had the space for it but there was no prep being done other than a quick wash etc. After that I had some big problems with one car wash site so got rid of that business and chucked all my money into starting selling cars properly from the other site. Keys in a JD sports bag dealing customers and signing them up from the boot of a car advertising on the Pay as you go Autotrader slots. Specialised in first time cars for new drivers. Benji boy take note here - I l literally used to spend every waking hour trawling private adverts for the odd mistakenly low priced advert, badly written adverts and would act fast and just get a move on to go and buy them. Was forever driving up to Scotland and buying Corsas with aftermarket alloys taking the mods off sell the mods for money and the standard cars for a higher price. Going full time at the car sales business completely turned my life around. Still love coming to work 7 days a week despite the ups and downs. Can't beat the buzz of a quick deal with good profit and the part exchange chain.
  8. 1 point
    There may be tossers in every business but I’m convinced cars bring out the bad in many people. Mobile technology has gone too far for me, I’ll answer a sensible email, answer a phone call but as for texting, chat interfaces etc. there’s no chance here! Any additional means of contact seems only to play to the whims of the time wasters - as always the vest majority of business comes via Alexander Graham Bell’s device. It’s quiet, or seems it because the cretins are currently vastly outnumbering the genuine. Thankfully I’m plodding on fine doing a few a week, but weeding out the delusioned & reading some of the pitiful (both in form & content) emails is irksome. Those punters who have passed my phone ‘screening’ have either been f***ing idiots who I’ve fast tracked along the viewing process or nice & sensible. No middle ground, either idiots or nice & easy (the best are those who’ve been softened up looking at shite elsewhere). Hard times ahead, prices are up for us traders but for months now I repeatedly hear the same thing from punters - the standard of mechanical preparation & presentation of cars is commonly pisspoor.
  9. 1 point
    Hi Marc I think you will be OK at this job.I would say cultivate your NHS contact,that could be valuable.Keep it to yourself and try and buy anything they offer you.What you don’t want for yourself you can trade or auction ( but not in your area or you will lose your contact).You can always describe stuff to the guys on here......Good Luck
  10. 1 point
    Good news is that Alfa’s are good sellers,the bad news is they have great ‘bounceback’ ability probably because they are ‘shite’ and the type of punters they attract......Good Luck
  11. 1 point
    Hats off to you for being a risk taker, fortune favours the brave :-) Hopefully there is buyer out there that "always wanted one"...
  12. 1 point
    Love the styling of those 159's, but good god, the gearboxes that came with the 1.9 jtdm engines, are made out of cheap Lidl chocolate. Think they're the dreaded M32 Gear box that are in alot of Vauxhall's too.
  13. 1 point
    It is tough going and it’s not only our job,look at what’s happening in the high street.Consumer debt is through the roof,a lot of people are maxed out because they don’t understand debt......We have been here before,people always need cars.I always found when it got bad,no trade,cheques bouncing ( including your own) solicitors letters,engines blowing,etc and you think it could not get any worse and it often did.You just have to hang in and then you get a break and things pick up and it’s back to normal. Too many people on here let the punters get them down.