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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Mikey.......I would check out West Oxford ,they have good cheaper stuff from good vendors,if you cannot buy there,I would do something else.2 night sales per week.
  2. 1 point
    If you are in the Midlands you are fortunate to have a huge choice within 2 hours drive.We never got many from Peterborough.While not knowing what you sell,if it is older stuff for instance,as long as you have a good paintshop and workshop etc.....
  3. 1 point
    Probably the worst auction I've been to Always crap online too
  4. 1 point
    Frustratingly it hasn't worked for us so far and I'm beginning to wonder if it will. It's far too expensive also, and they need to slash the price considerably or it's going to take a fall before it's begun really. Trouble is, they won't have it and the Rep. is very closed off on the subject (except for talking it up). It's a shame as I really like Motonovo and their service and system is faultless in my experience. I'm not sure their approach isn't flawed as they're spending all the dough on TV adverts by the looks, whereas I think CarGurus approach with targeting browsers and banners etc is the future- although I hate their (and AT's) price indicator bollocks. Also, are F&F working hard on the SEM so that the google searchers find them up the rankings? I don't know. I just hope they see sense soon or that it does take off their way. However, I'm getting twitchy about the monthly spend for no obvious reward so far, and will have to cancel before much longer. I'd love to hear that its working for others.
  5. 1 point
    Oh dear.... sorry to hear this. I hope your wife is ok. I guess it comes down to how much the vehicle is worth?
  6. 1 point
    Wifes Uncle is called Mr Fairclough. They call him Mr Fuckoff in his local Chinese. I'll get me coat
  7. 1 point
    ...don't be too put off Stephen, we've got one coming in tomorrow and whilst I know it'll be a pain to deal with a slow OAP they always sell. The perfect Jag for the man that cannot afford a proper Jag. They're usually pretty decent buyers if the car is well presented too, just go along with their casual racism, talk up Brexit and you can't go far wrong.
  8. 1 point
    Too many overly cautious people giving advice here and many thinking everything has to be minted-up & top money chased (I like to see some of your stock & see if it lives up to the big talk). As for the car, I’ve not looked but from what I’ve read an hour with the MOP & the touch up stick would help. From what you say you’ve got low £2Ks in it? If so don’t bother bulling it up & tipping £500 of paint into it just to mark it up for another £600 and then it sitting there at similar money to the rest on the Internet. Get the f***ing MOP out, get it at £2999 & get it gone. All this talk of Peugeot buyers being fussy on paintwork!?!! My arse, fussy on money more like!
  9. 1 point
    I skimmed over this and WOW. The way I see it..... The car needs paint, mark Don't wanna paint it...... no big deal, he's clearly stated the car has paint defects. I'm not sure what all the rest of this noise is. I don't know how the hell trading standards have been brought in to this and how have pages have been written about faults, trading standards and all this other breeze?