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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    They came to fault the car, and could not, to reduce the price, that was the first thing they could think of Walk awayfrom customer , answer the phone that hasnt rung, talk bollocks with loads of thankyous within ear shot of messer, turn phone off, approach messer, ask whos got keys, if theyre in car, remove them with the for sale board, turn sale board to sold, put back in window, lock the car. "really really sorry, but, this cars now sold, see that car over there ? chap this morning couldnt decide between that one or this one, he left a £200 deposit with me this morning, he needed to check out insurance, well hes just phoned, hes having this one, really sorry about that" you might get =" how much did you sell it for?" the price in window sir ! i dont reduce prices ! walk away............
  2. 2 points
    When I won my case, the Magistrate said to her he was refusing her the right to appeal and asked me if I had a claim for costs..... I wasn't prepared for that, next time I will be I just looked at the evil bitch with a biggest smile and walked out. I could still hear her screaming and shouting on the floor below. I walked out of Exeter Crown Court bouncing like a Tigger, it was VERY memorable.. See, its given me the confidence to do my job right (which I do) but equally say no when its not, you have to explain to billy that maintaining their cars is their responsibility.......
  3. 2 points
    I personally have absolutely no tolerance for “no shows”. It is the main reason why I only appoint confirmed buyers. I reassure the “client” the deposit is fully refundable on collection if they disagree with my video. It calls their bluff before they try to waste my time.
  4. 1 point
    Early days for me and it’s yet to happen. I always say to the customer that I will give them a call 1 hour before the scheduled appointment to confirm their arrival. Seems to keep people honest so far.
  5. 1 point
    Do you mind me asking about your storage? Is it indoors/outdoors, costs etc? PM if you don’t want it public! Thanks
  6. 1 point
    like Arfur and yourself, we are internet based, viewings by appointment only, got a couple sites for storage, do youtube videos of all our cars and lots of quality clear images, reviews important also. the last week has been quiet for us. total of 3 enquiries all week on 15 cars (2 AT and 1 Gumtree), week before was 13 enquiries.
  7. 1 point
    I think if your on line only you either have to cut your margins to almost zero or have something that no one else has, having stock that just has FSH and in excellent condition isnt enough just because someone has a retail premises doesnt mean they dont have the same level of product.
  8. 1 point
    I’m absolutely the same and wouldn’t want to work any other way. I have a unit which holds 20 cars and advertise solely with AT and eBay. Every one on my cars is sold online prior to viewing. I don’t facilitate viewings at all. Confirmed buyers only.
  9. 1 point
    Clutch faulty 18 months ago but car still being driven today on same clutch. Come on, this should be over and done in 3 minutes flat should in reach court.
  10. 1 point
    Some time ago I was selling a p/x I had in to a young lad. His first car. He turns up with mum and some skinny pot faced 17 year old machanic who he tells me knows everything there is to know about Corsas. He then gets a trolley Jack out of mums car as he's too young to of passed himself so mum has to ferry him around and wants to Jack the car up. This was after asking for a glass of water. No not to drink but to pour over the windscreen and sunroof to see if they leaked. After reving the bo⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ Out of the car I'd had enough. They can keep their £1295 I told him nicely the car wasn't for sale to him and ask him to leave. One week later he was back as he hadn't found anything to suit him. The Corsa had been sold two hours after his first visit. They are the best ones.
  11. 1 point
    Good point. I also wonder how many miles theyve covered in this car since you sold to them...
  12. 1 point
    Years ago a friend was told by her father that on a night you’ll have to turn off the radio because if you have it on with the lights it might flatten the battery. (Really? On a Nissan Micra?) A sale fell through due to wheeltrims being cable tied to the wheels. The punter was taking motoring advice from her 14 year old son. “This car has never been serviced!”. Said by a punter because a front fog lamp bulb was u/s. ”You have to discount because it’s only a 3 door!”. Madam it was a 3 door on the advert. One December a man refused to buy a car because I’d just put a full MOT on it. His reasoning was that the following December he wouldn’t be able to afford to MOT the car due to Xmas etc. I suggested he MOT it early, he looked horrified & said “But that way I’d be losing money” (Eh??) “What’s it like on petrol?” Not strange in itself but asked whilst looking at a 3.0 petrol automatic 4x4 (I refused the test drive & told him to buy a 1.0 Corsa). Punter on phone, regarding a £500 banger, who lives 30 miles away; “Can you bring it around to my house & if I like it we can negotiate”. Customer on the phone about a £3000 car; “Can you buy back the CRV auto I bought a fortnight ago?”. WHY? “I’ve been quoted £8000 import taxes” (one of the African countries). 30 seconds on the internet proved he was correct, it’s a shame he didn’t think of checking first. “I wanted a diesel & I don’t like orange”. Said after travelling 2 hours to see an orange petrol Freelander. On a £1000 Vectra ”Would you take £300 because my daughter might be disabled in the near future?” (Yes, you read that correctly). I looked at her 25 year old daughter who looked as fit as a fiddle and simply said “Sorry no, I think you’d better leave”.
  13. 1 point
    She is being totally unreasonable. Starnd your ground