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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    They're called Discoveries because every day you discover a new problem
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Its now saying Test locationunavailable until further notice so looks like an error
  4. 1 point
    I would get on Twitter and say Isuzu are not to be trusted as you have first hand proof that they are in breach of EU regulations by not honouring their manufacturers warranty on a 20k vehicle......I think it would not be long before someone from Isuzu would get in touch !
  5. 1 point
    i can't help but find it all very odd.. the "seven" seemed quite eager to defend themselves to start with but when deeper questions/concerns were raised they have given up. It's quite a strange approach to take, if you want people to join up and potentially donate then you would surely do everything within your power to instil confidence into those same people..maybe now the subscriber fee has gone no one wants to work for "free"
  6. 1 point
    they all just use the same google flow chart
  7. 1 point
    Been really busy all of a sudden this month after an average October and a terrible September. I thought we'd never sell a diesel or a heavy car again- then all of a sudden (straight after the budget) three in one weekend, and more in the week, plus has been good sub 10 grand. However 'one swallow doesn't make a summer' and all that. It's a funny old game....just gotta hold your nerve.
  8. 1 point
    Welcome to the forum D4B. In my book, the car has clearly been misrepresented, you were deceived by the salesman. Without a full LRSH, its value is diminished and might cause futurfe warranty claims. If you paid top dollar for a clear diamond you wouldn't expect it to have inclusions...... Looking at the "LR approved" site, all vehicles are checked and come with a full history..... http://www.usedvehicles.landrover.co.uk/commitment
  9. 1 point
    Sorry but I’d of thought the non-dealer stamp would render the manufacturer warranty invalid (even though the service had nowt to do with problem components). If it had been my vehicle that’d of been the first item I’d try to confirm. As for trading standards commenting about expecting Isuzu to be more helpful I’m afraid that just shows the ignorance of local government employees with regards to the realities of running a commercial business (and having to EARN money). My guess is you’ll have to suck this one up, sorry.
  10. 1 point
    Had a visit from a warrant rep that I know very well recently. Told me that stratstone, our local land-rover dealer are having to buy back lots of nearly new vehicles under the consumer rights act due to faults. Personally I try and steer clear of these due to the constant problems they seem to come with eg air suspension, gearbox issues etc. Very poor for such an expensive brand.
  11. 1 point
    Its a beaut, BUT...... Beige Leather... I'm being super picky I know.... But I have sourced a Beautiful looking Sport on a 54 plate, but its 4 hours away.....