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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    +1 however I would say that if it's super rare they WILL come to you if they're serious. Remember you have what they want...I don't know why you would mess with that dynamic and put all of the power in the buyers shoes so they can chip you even further when you turn up and they find one stone chip on a ten year old car and you are faced with a long fruitless trip home if you don't discount. Some buyers will do ridiculous stuff to get a discount and do it in your face...travelling distance with an unseen car and expecting it to all go swimmingly is naive beyond belief IMO.
  2. 1 point
    indeed and to even consider sending it to uncharted waters where anything can happen is a recipe for a headache, ok if its a limited edition model with pink frillies then it might be the only buyer in the country for it but in that case dont buy it in the first place unless the profit is huge and you have the time and space to keep looking at the THING ive always picked up from my nearest town and have a high success rate but iF they cant meet me half way then im a black eyed pee
  3. 1 point
    Distance selling a car for £250 profit...no offence Jimbo but that sounds mental. Good luck but i'd be thinking about more than just this deal if you're sticking a couple of hundred in each unit and still having to sell to people miles away.
  4. 1 point
    Just want a quiet life Get a job at Tesco.
  5. 1 point
    Call A/T, could be a number generation issue, not something dubious just maybe a system error.
  6. 1 point
    I delivered one like this yesterday, with today's technology partial viewings can be completed via Facetime. I always ask for full payment in advance. The most important things are HONESTY and having a good nose for trouble so if it has a mark or two tell them and if they ask whether they can buy it over the phone and they sound like trouble say you'd prefer them to come and see it. I only sell over the phone to probably 1 in 3 people that ask.
  7. 1 point
    Good auctioneers know who buys what etc,we buy online and we get run up all the time and often the auctioneer gets it wrong.Sometimes you can then just buy them afterwards from the provisional office.As for current prices,we buy ex fleet and I can honestly say,I have never seen stuff as cheap before.
  8. 1 point
    Do loads like this and never had a problem. Most of the customers are just trusting and moving with modern times. The better our pics have got, the videos and the reviews the more we have sold remotely. There was one time when Tom went to deliver an MX5 to a family in London who were horrified when it turned up. They expected it to have 4 seats. He thought they were joking at first......They were dead serious and adamant they had seen 4 seater versions on Autotrader
  9. 1 point
    I normally ask that to get the train up and I pick them up from the local train station. The cost of a train ticket will surely out weigh transport costs.
  10. 1 point
    Ive done this lots and lots of times. If your confident in what your selling and have given an honest description of bodywork and service record then why is it a problem? I email all paperwork invoices etc to sign and get them to send it back signed. It all comes down to how confident you are in the car your supplying
  11. 1 point
    Keep following the T5 dream ! I’ve just taken a T4 camper day van as a PX, it’s s smart looking thing.