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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/17 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Good Morning Guys , The IMDA was officially launched yesterday with a big bang 5th November - Simply pop over www.theimda.co.uk And please give us your feedback / thoughts on here or better still drop us an email if you're shy about posting on here hello@theimda.co.uk Many Thanks Umesh #TeamIMDA
  2. 1 point
    I had never heard of The Motor Ombudsman.However it appears to be a private company and funded as a subsidiary of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and probably used for damage limitation in relation to recalls.A bit like the Press Complaints Commission which is funded by the newspaper industry.I cannot see why independent garages would be a member.If you look at their published accounts there is a lot of bullshit non financial numbers mentioned.....I may be wrong,but that is how it appears to me !
  3. 1 point
    Hi Jimbo, I have two forecourts just outside of Brighton. Happy to take a PM if you want to discuss the site? As an example there was a potentially good little forecourt with office on a busy A road near us that holds about 12 cars up for rent recently for 14k p/a. Didn't have planning for car sales though (still doesn't after a year of trade happening). I did a quick check to see if we wanted to take it on and worked out costs for it to be about 25 - 30k p/a all in if run as an independent site exclusive of employee wages. Rates are the big factor really. Not gonna tell you to suck eggs over the cost of rates, insurance etc for a pitch but be careful stocking it...the guy that took it on has got it all wrong and is cutting his throat.
  4. 1 point
    Tom, its because we have all have to deal with illiterate, moronic, cretinous pond life... If your customers are different to the problematic examples of humans discussed please explain why you are different and what you do to ensure you deal effectively and efficiently with customers who can't communicate without a grunting and wetting themselves These people are adults............they should be educated enough to be able to ask formed questions to be able to make a buying decision prior to handing over their money.....
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Squirt a bit of superglue in - it makes the punters it’s been repaired.
  7. 1 point
    Jim. I think Trade Vets comments are perfectly just and reasonable and polite, we are all free to ask questions and have are own opinion. I don't think a Narky reply is really appropriate or necessary.
  8. 1 point
    Rish thw Click and Join Lansing Page was to measure the need for an Association was, there is a real appetite for change out there , however we can’t run Ann Association with no money. the subscription is £250 plus vat with loads of inclusive value check out the website and click to register your subscription, theIMDA.co.uk Cheers Isn’t it a sad reflection on today’s society when you put a massive amount of effort into setting up something to support others only to be questioned as if “what’s in it for you?” Amazing , personally and I can speak on behalf of the other founders of the IMDA , we are doing this because we CAN, and we see this as a way to help save those who can’t save themselves. Will it work? I certainly hope so! But if all we do as an industry is continually moan with no positive action guess what , the prediction of 20% of all Independents going out of business within the next 5 years will become reality! Become a member now www.theImda.co.uk For Passion Not For Profit
  9. 1 point
    Good afternoon Dealers.Just to completely clarify and hopefully answer all the sceptics out there. The IMDA is in no way associated with Autovolo or Motors although we have spoken with Cox to bring some value to the Association. Our Association has not received any funding from the Government and is totally set up as a not for profit association which means that all subscriptions from dealers and suppliers will be ploughed back into further growing the IMDA to provide even better value for members with more services and products build into the price. We have partnered with Motortrade Me as the platform was already ready and works fantastically well and therefore we managed to negotiation a deal with them which we as an Association have managed to include into the subscription too. if you wish to join.superb however we only invite proper dealers, make sure you have you have your vat number ready along with trade insurance and two trade references along with the signed Code of Conduct. nothing underhand, everything above board and we wish to bring a strong voice for the trade! Hopefully it will stop all the moaning that goes on in our trade! Jim No story to tell, it simply didn’t work out, however what we are offering at the IMDA is not commercial and is not for profit. this is to help Independents gain advantage in the market to stop us having to subsidise the big boys. Yeh it’s a shame it didn’t work out! No story to tell, it simply didn’t work out, however what we are offering at the IMDA is not commercial and is not for profit. this is to help Independents gain advantage in the market to stop us having to subsidise the big boys
  10. 1 point
    the bottom line is we is traders and if joe nick can do the bullseye for 10 nicker wes gonna use im innit
  11. 1 point
    IMDA is a totally new thing guys if you've not realised , its a Association to help independent Motor Dealers , Autovola to remind you was simply a classified platform - no story just different in every way. Seems big confusion with 'registered and login ' to clarify ' click and join ' was to get details of dealers/supplier who would be interested to know more about the associations and join once launched ( Launched 5th Nov) the old ' twittercardealerforum ' was re-branded ' theimdaforum ' to bring everything in line and those who are members are still members , the log in details have not changed and is still FREE to use. if you want to become a MEMBER you have to pay £250+vat (300) per annum but renewal wont be until Jan 2019 ! just over £20 per month ! The deals we have with many suppliers , great discounts , free legal advice , trade to trade platform with motortrade.me , motor trade insurance , training, GDPR Advice, HR Advice , Blogs ++++++ so much more on offer. This is not a 'motors' thing as Philip Nothard is one of the founder member but he was working with CAP HPI at the time the IMDA was starting , we are looking at most of the classified advertising platforms to see what the IMDA can do regarding advertising/ marketing .. this literally is changing day by day as we get more business/suppliers on board. The Bigger the number of members , the better the deals being offered by suppliers ! Still unsure about joining ? give me a call 01782 822 700 or save a phone call drop me an email and I'll call you umesh@theimda.co.uk PS If you join Motortrade.me direct it will cost you £420 - for the year - if you join IMDA its ONLY £250 , So just one little example there saves your money , what about £200 legal advice ++++ #JustSaying Over to you guys ? WHO'S JOINING ??
  12. 1 point
    Not spam, I have been repairing screens for 30 years and re-educating poorly trained techs and new techs for the last 20 years. I have received the industries highest award in the USA a country I have never even been too. I meet dealers and sales people every working day who cannot tell if a repair has been poorly filled like this one has, people who believe what they are told when the replacement guy who has no interest or skill at repairing says it is not repairable or that is the best that can be done. If it looks like any more than a dried raindrop when finished the repair was not carried out correctly. Please ask any questions, even post pictures, I am happy to discuss. I am on a mission to try and improve the standard in my industry and you guys can help.
  13. 1 point
    thanks for swift reply Umesh, yours look great I will keep practising before I actually try to load one onto my website, technology has moved on since autotrader rep came with black and white polaroid and held print under her arm pit while it dried...
  14. 1 point
    Autovola NOT involved at all in any shape or form.! The founder Members are the ' Magnificent 7 ' ALL Very respected dealer plus one industry expert - I'm sure you'll recognise some if not all of these names. Jim Reid - Jim Reid Vehicle Sales David Bilsborough - Cheshire Cars Phil Weaver - Knickerbrook Cars Stuart Saunders - Urban Motor Company Chris Roach - Chequers Cars Philip Nothard - Cox Automotive And ME www.theimda.co.uk