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phone is dead!

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Only sold 1 this month which is a decent deal but....... It is absolutely dead here. no phone calls. very few walk ons. I can understand being quiet on forecourt, but the phone isnt even ringing. i have literally just rung it to see if it is working. :)


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We’re the same Grant this month so far (main road site). Only two cars left to go out  

Was really busy in August too. 

It’s a funny old game!

What part of the country are you again?

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Grant, I’m not far from you and I’m dead too. Nothing happening whatsoever for 6-8 weeks now! 

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Our mate Phil would call that a ‘pain point’ Del!

What part of the world are you? South?

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It’s quiet up north although unfortunately the cretins are still emailing. Apparently the end of the school holidays should of heralded a buying frenzy....................

Everyone I’ve spoken to is saying the same - VERY quiet. I’m ticking over at 2 or 3 per week which more than does me as a one man band.

It would be nice to be able to buy stock at the right money but the auctions are full of crap the trade is fighting for & Dealer Auction is either through the roof or the vendors’ reserves are somewhat optimistic. At my end of the market I think there are a few who are going to find they own some overpriced stock.

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We are on an extremely busy road and high visibility. Next door to to one of the largest used dealers in essex. Crazy Dead. We are in Rayleigh, Essex.

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13 minutes ago, Grantlfc81 said:

We are on an extremely busy road and high visibility. Next door to to one of the largest used dealers in essex. Crazy Dead. We are in Rayleigh, Essex.

I know exactly where you are now, you are about 4 miles from me.

I would have thought you would get a few walk on customers considering who is next door to you.

I am sure it will pick up, you were doing ok up to now from your previous posts...



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Same here. I thought it was the amount of cars we've got up for sale (only 5, another 8 are in prep)
It's reassuring but worrying to see others with a lot more stock are quiet too.

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1 hour ago, NOACROSS said:


Our mate Phil would call that a ‘pain point’ Del!

What part of the world are you? South?

I’ve sold a few just not the usual amount! Just a few miles from Grant. I drove past the other day and saw the lovely 3008 outside! Lol 

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Doing OK here in the SE. Nothing like August...if anyone can explain why a typically dead month was such a cracker i'm all ears. One thing we've noticed is that a LOT of people are flat out broke currently. I know we all moan about strapped up pot less punters, it's par for the course usually, but this month seems particularly bad. For every acceptance there are three declines, people can't raise a £200 dipper to hold anything for a week and 'beg, borrow or steal' isn't even an option for many because mum and dad are in the same boat. The usual jokes aside it's hard not to feel sorry for some of the seemingly decent working families we've had in one door and out the other wanting to buy but just not able to find a way to. Maybe they've just spunked all their dough over the school holidays but it seems a bit different at the moment to me.

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15 minutes ago, grant8064 said:

Doing OK here in the SE. Nothing like August...if anyone can explain why a typically dead month was such a cracker i'm all ears. One thing we've noticed is that a LOT of people are flat out broke currently. I know we all moan about strapped up pot less punters, it's par for the course usually, but this month seems particularly bad. For every acceptance there are three declines, people can't raise a £200 dipper to hold anything for a week and 'beg, borrow or steal' isn't even an option for many because mum and dad are in the same boat. The usual jokes aside it's hard not to feel sorry for some of the seemingly decent working families we've had in one door and out the other wanting to buy but just not able to find a way to. Maybe they've just spunked all their dough over the school holidays but it seems a bit different at the moment to me.

This is Spooky. South coast here also and have found the same recently. 

We too have had many finance declines (90%of the enquiries I’d say) and they’ve even blown the sub-prime computers up.

Maybe it’s just we notice the idiots more when we’re quiet, but I too feel sorry for the genuine type of people you’re describing.. One we failed with is a really nice couple we got on sub prime last time, but we can’t get them on anywhere two years later.

 Busy August as you say.


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3 hours ago, Grantlfc81 said:

We are on an extremely busy road and high visibility. Next door to to one of the largest used dealers in essex. Crazy Dead. We are in Rayleigh, Essex.

I'm just up the road from you, tumbleweeds here too!

hopefully when the weather gets colder they will want to be in a nice warm car, not waiting for the bus? 

Edited by met

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11 hours ago, grant8064 said:

Doing OK here in the SE. Nothing like August...if anyone can explain why a typically dead month was such a cracker i'm all ears. One thing we've noticed is that a LOT of people are flat out broke currently. I know we all moan about strapped up pot less punters, it's par for the course usually, but this month seems particularly bad. For every acceptance there are three declines, people can't raise a £200 dipper to hold anything for a week and 'beg, borrow or steal' isn't even an option for many because mum and dad are in the same boat. The usual jokes aside it's hard not to feel sorry for some of the seemingly decent working families we've had in one door and out the other wanting to buy but just not able to find a way to. Maybe they've just spunked all their dough over the school holidays but it seems a bit different at the moment to me.

+1. I don’t ‘do’ finance but this year you can really tell people are struggling with their finances and punters turn up looking at cars unable to even leave a £200 deposit. Basically many haven’t got a pot to piss in & the number of people relying upon other family members to pay them on has definitely increased AND IT’S ONLY GOING TO GET WORSE OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS.

As a generalisation, living costs have increased but wages haven’t and if anyone has changed jobs they invariably get paid less. Tbh it’s no wonder many people give self-employment a go.

However let us remember people need to cut their cloth to suit. Also, if many had lived within their means in the past, rather than get loaded with credit everywhere, then they’d possible be in a better boat now.

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I have 2 kids, and to be fair it costs me £60 everytime i leave the front door in the school holidays lol

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1 hour ago, Grantlfc81 said:

I have 2 kids, and to be fair it costs me £60 everytime i leave the front door in the school holidays lol

i heard on the radio that if his wife didnt go to work then the family unit couldnt afford child care costs

why doesnt she just stay home then

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