It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. the other side of the fence dealership damages car obviously dont want to do it on insurance so will be paying,very few dealerships have crash repair depts so they farm it out the famous words are 'how much can you do it cheaper'????????? now where i am the cheapest bodyshop is run by polish nationals and trust me i see their work their bodges and basically the unsafe repairs they do so would not trust even a main dealer to put me back in the position i was prior to the bump by taking it to someone likes these monkeys it needs to go to a pas 125 bodyshop full stop to frankieola you need to tell your mate that unless the car is indeed a little scuff on the bumper he needs to get it independently inspected by a company like dekra or an independent trusted local bodyshop before any repairs are attempted and give the bill to the dealership,once this is done it should be his decision on what is the next move all you guys putting him down it would be a different story if it was your 65 plater and you had worked bloody hard to own it
  2. on a test drive yesterday,i always drive out let the customer drive back,this way engine warm customer relaxed etc anyway we swapped in a lay-by i got in the passenger side they get to drive so im showing that the aircon works and theres the nastiest smell you could imagine,so bad we nearly parked up and i honked turns out my customer had brought in a load of excrement from the layby the floor mat was full of it oh how we laughed
  3. well done buying it,shows there are bargains still out there from peoples houses
  4. if you put yourself in the position of punter it would be good to see a main agent last had its mits on it go on dvsa history see if there are any recalls too as dealer can do these as he empties your wallet
  5. here is the article in full i hope lawgistics dont mind me pointing it to you but i think it is very important
  6. missed this,glad you are sorted,this is the worst part of the job the great unknown i owned a tyre shop 32 years ago and i had a call saying the tyres i had just fitted one had blown out on the motorway and he was up an embankment and the motorway was blocked i found out it was a so called friend trying to be clever ive never spoken to him since theres having a laugh but its a fine line between a joke and someone causing sleepless nights worrying the car you checked over had major safety issues when you were confident it was save at hand over i would be fuming now
  7. what about a test drive though which is the main reason you want the plates
  8. maybe its got water in the box as suggested first action is take old oil out if you can and replace with thickest grade suburub recommend my last transit had pure water in the diff but once drained and filled with 80/90 she ran for tens of thousands of miles after
  9. i know a trader who forgot to take a car off the mid and a 3rd party insurer came chasing him because the purchaser of the car hadnt insured and had had a crash within a week of sale and if you look on the mib it was showing insured so they obviously thought bugger it,i often get asked if they can drive it home on my insurance and they seem bewildered when i say no its not insured for the record i only use mid for my own users taxed and in my name as my insurer insists,everything else my trade plates cover me,ive just actually modified my front trade plate so now both front and rear original plates still show lawgistics brought up a link a while back though that said any car registered to the trader and on sorn cant be used with trade plates so basically your shafted no matter how much you try to conform
  10. FROM THE DVLA 4. Display of trade plates A trade plate: • must be displayed on a vehicle as long as it is visible and vertical on both the front and rear (rear only for motorcycles) • cannot be displayed inside a vehicle • must not cover the vehicle’s existing number plates (except motorcycles) your banged to rights sonny by the prostitute with mud on her face
  11. from the dvla,you know those people that take the road fund money Motor traders - exceptions If a vehicle is between registered keepers or registered as ‘in trade’ with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), it is excluded from continuous insurance enforcement. Vehicles you keep for your own use are not excluded. and then this from the MIB Untaxed stock vehicles (i.e. driven on trade plates) need not be notified, although if it is easier simply to notify every vehicle, this is acceptable – in fact this is MIB’s preferred approach. SO THERE YOU GO CLEAR AS A PROSTITUTE WITH MUD ON HER FACE
  12. best one was the nissan microwave i never found how to use it though because i never got one with a handbook
  13. leave it............
  14. being an old git i tend to look through the cars on offer rather than cars i would like to buy but are not available i then go through the list and work out if i can make a dolla on anything if i can i then look on autotrader to see what something very similar is retailing for in a 20 mile radious i dont care what spec it is
  15. ive go a hundi eye 10 and this needs 0 /30 low ash i seem to remember and thats what it got,i can just imagine out of all the garages it might go to most would put 10/40 in it semi if it was lucky,so i totally agree with you,customers are as bad as garages ,always going for the ,can you do it cheaper idea ?or worse bringing their own oil in from halfords and it says £34.99 on the tin and its the wrong spec so you put the proper stuff in and tell them the stuff they bought will be aright for their lawnmower for the next 20 years or they can creosote the fence with it
  16. thats me out then before i had a chance,you dealers are all the same.........................
  17. It's me


    you bought it you know its a good car you know you can sell it to someone sensible get them gm f d
  18. It's me


    we use actually means get them fooked off here...........seriously
  19. never thought of that i will ask the wife her opinion
  20. what the all buyers are liers bloke..................let me just think about that one for trident...............shuffles off with his head in his handsssssssssssssssss
  21. go to his house give his wife one problem over take two paper bags just in case