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Everything posted by Wheelerdealer1

  1. That's the feeling out there if you look at the news, but seems very little info around on the positives, I'm sure there are a few!
  2. Just run of the mill stuff but ultimately I would like to deal in classic cars only, that's where my real passion is these days, we can all dream !
  3. Of course it's all hypothetical right now but anyone have any predictions on its implications on the used car market? With everything predicted to cost more I'm guessing cars will to, hence will we see Scottish car buyer flocking to England for better deals ? It might push prices up all round ?
  4. 'The daffodils should do well this year. My haberdasher never wears yellow. It's a fine day for backgammon, wouldn't you agree?
  5. He has quite a wait! So what does everyone think, 6 or 6 plus?
  6. So what sort of cars are you selling Jack ? Mustangs? I have a couple of classic 60s mustangs my self. With regards to showing, you could hire a venue like ace cafe? Also you could just hire a massive marquee and setup at a local field or grounds if an old manor house etc Some more info about what your trying to achieve would be great as it sounds interesting
  7. It's the same in the USA Gavin, run of the mill stuff is priced sky high, and the traders get much better margins out there to boot
  8. No idea about Guernsey but as far as I know if you import a car that was manufactured in the Uk or Europe then no vat to pay
  9. What's the deal with car prices out there in OZ, is it a tax thing that pushes the prices up so high?
  10. Apparently geeks are already camping outside the NY apple store On a side note these phones will be offered at double or triple mark up in parts of India and Mid East, as they won't be out there, I know a couple of guys who do quite well when a new I phone comes out