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Everything posted by Wheelerdealer1

  1. Thanks Andy will do ! SB, I'm hoping for at least a bit of a better quote, looks like loyalty counts for nothing 😭
  2. I really don't see much major action until toward the end of Jan, but maybe that is just me
  3. Thanks Mrs Mini, great advice , in fact I wouldn't have known I could get a car put on hpi alert for this, and it's something I will take forward Luckily for me I was able to use my own tactics to get it back, for others it might not be so easy
  4. I think a lot of private firms have been contracted now, it's been like this in my neck of the woods for a while, money making plain and simple
  5. Running as a partnership as that's what my business brain friend recommended
  6. Correct SB, but I'm young enough (just about) that I really do miss changing cars often, at the moment I'm just taxing what I use on a monthly bases, but again it's a grey area, I am covered for social and domestic use on my policy though
  7. Ok my policy says I can't insure a car registered to another householder, like my wife or parents who live with me I pay extra for social and domestic cover aswell, now I'm confused
  8. Would love it if there was a local office, but I'm not so lucky in this part of London, and can see the advantages as you point out
  9. Well it's not cheap or easy to set up as a legitimate trader and insurance will be one of your biggest costs, but nessesary
  10. Hi all and happy new year! Well I've been with the same lot for 7 seven years, the last three I haven't even bothered to phone around to get a better deal But my renewal is bordering on ridiculous taking into account I have NEVER made a claim So can anyone recommend a good broker or company that won't waste my time taking details for 30mins then quote me double ?
  11. All the best for the new year, I hope it brings us all prosperity ! Enjoy your time with your famlies and loved ones All the best from WD
  12. So that's just makes it easier for someone to copy your trade plate now
  13. Couldn't agree more, but right now I just haven't got the guts to do it
  14. I know what you mean Ken but an email or an ear bashing is always worth it!
  15. I have tried to everything and to have such a valuable asset stuck on the outside is madness!! In fact I have only ever seen them stuck on the windscreen round here
  16. Have you tried to contact the selling dealer ?
  17. Ebay tells us that watchers doesn't mean buyer, I had an old mk3 escort up with hundreds of watchers, and it stayed well under grand and didn't even meet the reserve
  18. Hi Chris Any lexus is250/200 books or packs ?
  19. Anyone remember Loot ? Free ads dictated over the phone Good times