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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Rather not spend £150 on one as I don’t work in a body shop but as I am starting to get into the realms of wetsanding and compounding more and more cars I think it’s wise to have one. Any recommendations?
  2. There is a world of difference between updating your ETA by text to trying to arrange an appointment. Time and a place for everything.
  3. This may have been discussed before but how do these sharks get away with sending what are blatantly fabricated enquiries via email? I’ve had 5 in a week or two, all the same text “i’ve seen your xyz and you can email me on xyz” conveniently the email address is anonymous. I’ve replied to all 5 and not got a reply back. When i’ve chased up asking if they are still interested i’ve had three responses which are clearly bullshit; ”thanks but i’m looking for a bigger car” (last time I checked it hadn’t shrunk) ”I was hoping to get down on Monday evening but that’s not possible so probably best you close the enquiry down” (wow you really WERE interested weren’t you?) ”well my husband is away until next week so when he comes back he’s going to review my list” (yeah right your husband is letting you pick the cars and where’s he gone that doesn’t have internet, mars?) i don’t care if I don’t get anything from them (it’s free with a click Dealer website) but just don’t send me erroneous leads because I can’t exactly ignore them can I?!
  4. Well the ones I got seem to do the job. Got in a car I hadn’t been in for a fortnight and no smell of dog.
  5. Well I agree with you both. I have an 07 A6 avant with 127k on the clock, 1 owner, main Dealer SH, drives very straight. Would I get those alloys done? No. But a 09 72k XF with every toy going? Different story I think. I will def tackle a set using Simon’s method. Worst that can happen is i’ll have to get them done properly but if I can make a job of it I may just add a little bit of kerb appeal.
  6. I had in my mind “flash alloys for Boy racers” but having sat looking out of the cafe window for 10 mins there are all sorts of cars, Hyundai’s and Mazdas etc driven by men in their 50’s and 60’s that have non silver wheels, be it shaded chrome or two tone and so on. Have booked the XF in to have a colour change to gun metal grey.
  7. Air conditioning bombs work magic.
  8. I’d rather go skint than sell to a cretin like this.
  9. Nowhere near your experience but I valet my own cars and find ancient French fries, coffee stains, dog hair that looks like it’s been stitched in etc. You think, if that’s their car what are their homes like?
  10. I would have fucked him off at the first opportunity. That being when he was late for his rescheduled 7pm appointment. That was his second appointment effectively. I don’t tolerate people like that. It’s the 21st century and people can contact each instantly. Ring him and tell him you would rather sell the car to someone who can act like a decent human being. If he’s trouble now what do you think he’ll do when a bulb on his sisters car goes?
  11. Couple of questions; Do you rub down at all, to key for the paint you’re about to apply? Does the paint have an adverse effect on the brake discs or does a good old “Italian tune up” solve that?
  12. My main dilemma is the place I get my trade prices probably won’t be able to get me booked in for a week. So I either delay getting the car up for a sale or get my smart repair bloke who can do them tomorrow and I can have the car up for sale by Tuesday. He can repair scuffs but a colour change is a bridge too far. I’m leaning towards getting it up for sale ASAP and if I have no bites after a month do the wheels to see if that does the job. What about repairing the scuffs, on the rim and spokes?
  13. Red car black wheels is a no brainer. Looks superb. So what would you do if you were me, given the “ old man” market is the most likely target audience?
  14. Nick, I've got an 09 XF 2.7D, Ivory Leather, lovely metallic mid-grey bodywork, it's a right gem. 72k serviced every year. Can in part ex at £900 below book so I have a little bit of room to add value. I'm torn between refurbing the wheels to a factory finish (silver alloy etc) or going with a gun-metal grey or even darker. It will look great but... You talk about adding value which I believe in and it doesn't always mean I can sell the car for more it may mean I will sell it quicker and save on my overheads etc. Given the spec, age of the car, likely buyer etc, am I wasting my money? I can get all 4 colour changed for £260.
  15. Well done on the sales, which ones did you manage to get rid of and what did you do to make the sales?
  16. Depends on the car. For example, two of mine; e320 cdi Estate, dark grey 18” alloys. Factory colour all day long. RRS, dark grey, 22” alloys. I’ve got it booked in next week to have anthracite colour change, they are currently in need of a refurb and they’re black which I think looks shite.
  17. It’s under the “common sense” section sir....
  18. "Drives well" You mean you got in that? The only thing that would be going in that heap would be a cement mixer and wheelbarrow
  19. Pretty much this. Write to her, refusing a refund on the grounds that the fault is currently undiagnosed and that a rejection and refund would only be forthcoming if the fault is confirmed to be a major fault. Re-iterate your willingness to repair the issue at your cost or provide a refund on the receipt of an independent report from a qualified mechanic. Then ignore her until she either fucks off or allows you access to the car/provides a report. One letter, end of.
  20. Presumably to inspect the carpets for fag burns and rips
  21. Nice! I can probably use my imagination to fill in the blanks!
  22. Indeed, hence “certain faults” but I felt I was preaching enough for one day
  23. Forget getting finance commissions because you aren’t set up to provide finance. Your customer will need to get his own finance. I feel a bit daft telling someone who worked as a sales exec for a franchise this but; 1. You will need to be FCA registered to deal with the likes of MN and CB. 2. You cannot tell your customer you can offer finance because, unless you are FCA registered and set up with a finance house or, an IAR for a third party broker, you can’t offer finance. So definitely do not take a customers details and pass them on to anyone (GDPR) and to avoid any entanglement with trading standards don’t put on your website you offer finance because they MAY visit you randomly and they MAY take a dim view of false advertising. As for your 530d, it’s up at £24k, which of course will take longer to sell than a £5k Corsa or Fiesta. Logically, as a rule of thumb, the more expensive the car the longer it will take to sell
  24. With respect, I think you could do with reading the CRA. You certainly do NOT have to give anyone a warranty and your legal obligation to carry out repairs to certain faults is 6 months not 3 months.