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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Thanks very much for the help mate.
  2. Thanks. To be fair to the chap he's bought a few from the UK and he told me I take a copy of his licence and passport, so he seems to know the score. I'll do just that, copy of everything and give him the full V5.
  3. Dunno, they're flying from Dublin and they sounded to me like they were local to that area. Just checked, it's ROI. Do I need to do anything different?
  4. Two calls in the space of one hour from the oirish. Chap flying specifically over to collect a £3.5k Volvo with 127k on. It does make you wonder.
  5. There are weekly threads on this mate, have a look back just a few pages and you’ll find them.
  6. This isn't really for me about whether eBay is nicer than AT to scroll through or not, I am envious of those who manage to use ebay successfully as for some reason, I can't. I don't mind how user friendly it is or how cluttered AT is, all that I care about is enquiries through to sales and AT works for me and eBay doesn't. I'd like to know why of course but I don't think I'm going to get that answer.
  7. If you do a search on say BMW 320i M Sport, on the eBay App, the search results are returned in an order titled “best match” Best match based on what? On, I suspect, what eBay determine is the best match which is based on? That’s the question. And i’d love to know why I couldn’t or can’t sell a car off eBay either. There’s a reason why virtually identical ads on eBay and AT have such different results.
  8. Exactly how I'd play it. Answer professionally, point out the dozens of other reviews from people who actually bought a car and not one bad review from a person who didn't want to buy one. Forget it and move on.
  9. I bid her nine grand. I won’t be increasing it.
  10. White with black int. What’s wrong with the engine? Or why wouldn’t some go near it?
  11. Usually I can get a pretty good accurate valuation using a few sources and the customer is usually happy but I'm stumped on this one. 2012 on a 62 plate, BMW Z4 2.0 20i sDrive 68,000 miles, clean enough, Leather (not sure about Nav so I'll say no for now) AT have it at £9,500 trade, £12k retail. Car gurus at £11.5k retail Cap clean is £11,150 WBAC is £10,500 I'm thinking retail is likely £11.5 - £12k so trade should be £9.5k?
  12. Yeah, did all that. Still nothing. Oh well, it is what it is. As long as I know I didn't do anything differently to you I can just chalk it up to YMMV. It works for you, fair play.
  13. I think the reason why I got absolutely zero joy from EMP (and I do mean zero, not one sale) is that their algorithm calculates your ranking on their search results by how often you have sold that particular product? In other words if you haven't sold many you won't be high up in the search results? I can't see any reason other than this why it was such a spectacular failure for me. I mean, serious failure. A small handful of emails and "watchers" and that was it. Same advert descriptions as AT, same photos (albeit less of them as you're restricted to 25 on EMP) so virtually the same advert but on a different platform yet zilch. I'd love to make it work as you do mate but unless I've overlooked something obvious as to how eBay and their search rankings works, I am stumped at how badly it performed compared to AT.
  14. £450pm cheaper if longer than 3 month contract
  15. I need your postcode Nick, or at least one close to you. Otherwise it will just show me information for my locale.
  16. Well don't do that unless you're sure you're up against that sort of competition. Like I said IF there are 10 locally and IF there are only 5 people searching, I don't know that of course. I'm just saying that IF that is the case then it doesn't matter how cheap it is, all you will have is a cheap car no one wants. If that makes sense. It's only been 10 days you said anyway, I'm just saying you need to have a look at these sorts of things.
  17. The first; There are 2 examples of that exact make model derivative nationally, on a 59 and 10 plate (I always search one plate newer especially on low mileage stuff) and you are number 1 from 3 in terms of value for money. Rono Prestige has had his Teal blue one in for 72 days and has just reduced it in price by £500 today. If you expand this search to similar derivatives (this now includes the SE spec) then the results are the same. It's clear you are in pole position for anyone wanting that make/model/derivative around that mileage with that sort of budget. Rono Prestige have overpriced theirs possibly, especially given the hideous colour. The second; Because of the low mileage, I capped the search on this at 25,000 miles, just above yours. Nationally, there are 17 of these examples, 64 or 15 plate, up to 25,000 miles. Within a 50 mile radius, there are 9 examples. You are 8/9 in terms of value for money, with your other I3 coming in at number 7/9 in terms of value for money. Frosts of Brighton are at the bottom however they are seemingly overpriced and it shows by virtue of the fact they have had their white one in for 287 days, making 2 price cuts in that time, the latest on the 12th July. Of those 6 dealers that are above you and Frosts, they have held these vehicles for 127 days, 68 days, 15 days, 11 days, 11 days, 35 days. I look at that make/model/derivative as something of a competitive department and quite a few of them within your area. If it were me, I wouldn't see there to be a shortfall in that area. That said, there are a good number of low days held in that, 15, 11, 11 and even 35 days. So perhaps these cars do turn quickly but there is definitely plenty of choice around a 50 mile radius of you.
  18. Easy tiger, I thought you thought I was replying to you regarding the tools.
  19. I need your postcode Nick, or at least one close to you. Otherwise it will just show me information for my locale.
  20. Sorry MSP, I was talking to Nick in my response.
  21. They also give a marker on colours. White being the most popular, silver being the least. It’s not really about finite detail as that is meant to be your own experience/knowledge, it’s about knowing which cars are being more heavily searched (demand) versus the supply. Its just a guide, one that has really served me well in my early days in this industry. I could certainly manage without it if I could find a stream of petrol, German white estates with black wheels to sell but alas, I have to try other avenues at times!
  22. TG, you need a Dealer account. Minimum of 5+2 cars will set you back around £800 per month. This allows you certain things, up to 100 images (you’re capped at a maximum of 25) you also can have your website link up, a logo, a company statement and a page where all your other stock will be shown. As you can see from other responses those, people make other platforms (cheaper ones) work nicely for them.
  23. Retail checker, all day long. I have an example of it on the Toureg thread. It may not make any difference to how you think or how you run your show and you may well know the show inside and out but for me, knowing how long the nearby competition has had a certain car for before I buy another to add to the pile is information worth knowing in my world. *gave
  24. They split the make model down into derivatives Nick. It doesn’t end up making a huge difference anyway. A bmw 318i sport may be say a 3.2 and an m sport a 3.4. But they do split derivatives.