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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Cheers for the advice. Right now, turning 8 cars a month (I wish I had 20 so i could turn 15) I can’t see the logic in spending £795. I will definitely sign up one day.
  2. A 14 year old car and 120,000 miles? Sorry, with due respect, your mention earlier about how you’d fix a car within 3 months cos that’s how long your warranty is shows that you don’t have quite the grasp of this subject as you think you might.
  3. I’m not a member of Lawgistics by the way. I will be one day soon though.
  4. In fairness to Lawgistics, they are a business. They offer a shit load of free advice bearing this in mind. It’s not fair on their paying members if they pop up every time and give away advice people pay for.
  5. I offer a warranty simply because people always ask “does it have a warranty” and never ask “do you stand by your obligations under the CRA?” Warranties are smoke and mirrors and a sales tool. I get why you don’t offer them Si, I agree with you entirely and I know you agree with what i’m saying here. Personally I find it just saves the CRA conversation. “Does it have a warranty?” ”Yes mr customer rest assured you’re covered” Thats all I need to tell them, they are already covered they just don’t know it. The reality is for £15 per unit, Lawgistics provide me with a glossy brochure and take the call to determine whether the onus is on me or the punter. £15 well spent.
  6. If the colour is Jet Black and that is what Halfords say it is, then for spraying small parts, even wing mirrors, it's a fine match. Whether their match is absolutely cock on is irrelevant to me, as I would never be spraying anything other than small bits that can fall off/need replacing.
  7. I did mate and I'm sorry, I should have said thanks and I didn't, it was late and I forgot. Not taking the piss, being genuine, I should have said thanks. Sorry.
  8. On a spreadsheet, £150. In real life, fuck all and I will deal with the claim and and when it happens. I imagine some will put it n a separate account and have a good drink at Christmas or give the staff a bonus etc. This is where the confusion arise imo. The PDI is there to negate the right to reject. 30 days. It is an irrelevance in this specific scenario and I think the OP would have a great chance of winning in court, or even getting it cut and dried before that with the help of someone like Lawgistics.
  9. Warranties are neither here nor there. 3 months, 2 weeks, a year, it means nothing really. They are jut insurance policies. Example, if you offer a 3 month warranty and after 4 months something catastrophic happens, and it’s nothing to do with user error or wear and tear, you are in the chair. Up to 6 months and you are in the chair. I’m talking about legalities here, not smoke and mirrors of warranties. It’s subjective as said above but as an example, a 6 year old Car with 60k on and the gearbox is shagged, 4 months into ownership, you’re losing in court imo. 14 year old car, 120k, shagged gearbox, 4 months into ownership, you’ve got a great chance of winning that one on the basis of the CRA excluding wear and tear. The pdi is specifically taking away the Billy’s right to refund within 30 days, meaning if the fault isn’t present at the POS then it has developed and the punter can’t get a refund only a repair. Past 30 days the pdi is neither here nor there as you have to provide a fix if it isn’t a wear and tear fault. Warranties are insurance products. Self funded protect the customer (even though they are protected) and third party ones protect you as well. Smoke and mirrors. Warranties and lawful rights are two separate things. Now I offer 3 months on 10 year old cars or lower. After 4 months I can tell a customer to do one as it’s past their warranty period but legally I know that it’s not as simple as that but do they know? Maybe not. Smoke and mirrors. I offer no warranty on older cars. After 6 weeks a fault occurs. Sorry mr customer no warranty. I know it’s not as simple as that but do they? Smoke and mirrors. It’s not my job to educate them on the CRA. It’s my job to educate myself.
  10. In this scenario it is yes. But the PDI makes it virtually impossible for the billy to get a refund within the 30 days right to reject. Different scenario But yes, 3 months into ownership, the pdi is irrelevant and it’s unreasonable for the consumer to expect a new gearbox on a 14 year old car with 120,000 miles on.
  11. That depends on whether the jet black is the right jet black. If so, go for it. Do a few coats, dust it lightly on the first coat and do maybe 4. Should look fine. It won’t look bad at all for such a small area. But make sure the paint is a match.
  12. Thanks for the kind words guys n gals, much appreciated and it does help me!
  13. Assuming that nothing has been placed on the cars themselves, in the shape of "do not move vehicle" or even clamped, what would happen then if, for example, the gates of this gaff were open. Just open, anyone can walk in. Andy takes his cars back, there's nothing on the cars remember, just the note on the gate, gate, which Andy didn't see, his eyesight isn't brilliant and it was early, he had a late night you know. And the gates were just open, little hood rates playing silly buggers etc. Now fast forward a day or two, the bailiffs turn up at Andy's pitch, waving bits of paper, Andy waves his bits of paper (V5's and AH receipts) and said bailiffs disappear in a puff of smoke. Is that so far fetched?
  14. Well I have all that mate, I know what I need to sell, for how much and how often. Just a case of whether I can do it or not, or at least, maintain my start to all this. Fortune does favour the brave but fools rush in...
  15. You should go to jail for painting a fucking 2007 mondeo
  16. Again, someone gets paid to do it, you walk in and collect your property and that's all she wrote. You can prove ownership of the vehicles they are yours and not the landlords, bailiffs or anyone elses. You play dumb, say you went down in the morning to see if anyone had turned up for work and the gates were wide open so you took your cars. End of. Come on, where's the drama needed on a Friday night?
  17. The scallies could persuade him not to You can tell I've watched too many episodes of the sopranos
  18. I'm going to look at a spot of hardstanding tomorrow that a bloke wants £800pm inc for, its 3,200sq ft and has a portakabin. There's also a workshop that will take 3/4 cars and he wants £700pm inc for that. I'm shitting myself about taking on something like that but it's the next logical step and if I have the workshop, the smart repairs, valeting and photographing won't be interrupted by crap weather and 3 hours of day light which will soon be upon us.
  19. Criminal damage or not I would 100% be considering approaching a pair of scallies and giving them a rather large incentive to relieve the gate of its padlock. Nobody is any the wiser, you went down to the yard this morning to see if anyone was about and found the gates open and took your property back, officer.
  20. I think a LTD company probably opens more doors for you in terms of who will deal with you (I'm thinking funding and lending for one) but I don't imagine it's difficult to get by with being a ST either. As Justin says, nobody on here will be able to advise you better than an accountant.