Nick M.K.

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Everything posted by Nick M.K.

  1. Yep. Chased afghan Servat for a loose battery bracket a faulty brake calliper on a £2K shitter while defrauding the taxpayers by £24K... dear oh dear...
  2. That's the reason why I change my personal cars. Run them for a few months, do everything that needs doing on them, advertise them at above market price and when someone finally turns up with the money (or even better without them and wants finance) the car is "let go". At a small profit. Much better than "drive a new one for £399 a month" and initial rental of £6500.
  3. Yes, hence a huge gap in the market.
  4. Wait until BHM wakes up from his afternoon nap. Then he'll redefine harsh. Although seems to have become somewhat mellower as of late...
  5. Defoe is definitely? I've heard my 13 year old use this... Defoe a supply doesn't equal Defoe a demand. You want to sell cars that the demand exceeds the supply for. Someone else above mentioned a Ferrari 458 Speciale which is one example but to keep things in the real world I'd suggest small petrol automatics up to £1500. You won't sell those in a week. They go on the same day IF GOOD.
  6. This is a great idea right there, if you have the land start a parts business. Online. Buy the same cars you were thinking of buying, sell some of the parts, sell the car shells to the nearest scarp yard and you have a chance to earn some money. Selling them as working, running, good soli cars: FORGET IT!!!!!!
  7. That's what I was thinking... what part of both my browsers (Chrome and Safari for Mac) and also the ones on my phones is missing so some people can like and edit and some can't. This happened after I got added to the private chat room. Someone NOT in the private chatroom without like and edit buttons?
  8. He looks very deflated in this confrontation, normally he is the one pushing but this time he couldn't quite believe the situation he found himself in. Good TV though, to them that's all that matters.
  9. I remember one episode from years ago, I think it was car servicing but could've been construction... This elderly Essex wide boy with a voice and talk exactly like Ray Winstone very politely asked the "undercover" client lady to look out the window and tell him What colour is the grass? "It's Green." "It may be green but I'm not, love." and kicked her out of his office...
  10. Luckily the BMW 1 series uses a bit more conventional ones (non-vacuum, non-electric). £50-£60 from ECP.
  11. In the WBAC sections (UK Car Group) at BCA this would be "mileage warranted".
  12. I'm thinking the same and I am also thinking along the lines of an engine mounting. They can go instantly causing said vibrations.
  13. Only trust SOME Bulgarians. But this sentence goes with any nationality.
  14. Going away to Bulgaria on 17 Dec (hopefully will get lucky with good snow for some skiing before Xmas), then back here on 27 Dec and working in the week between Christmas and New Year. If I can sell a few cars while everyone else is closed would be a nice kick start to the new year. Last December I sold 3 cars on the 29th.
  15. Because of the level of their buyer fees I would also say try some local buying from private ads or even supermarket notice boards for the sub £1000 purchases.
  16. Of course you can. I new a moment would come in this forum when you will find something to correct me on. I just didn't expect it before 2020. I knew, rather than I new... bring me back the EDIT button.
  17. Consider changing that range to £2-£5K.
  18. This sounds so much better than "I nearly bought an Astra"...
  19. I haven't. For years. I buy everything online these days. Excluding food. I always want to use a promo code, a deal code, a voucher code etc and sometimes will not buy if a code or a deal or a voucher is not available. I wanted a new bookcase for the office recently, it was £390 which I wouldn't mind paying. The store (including online) had a promotion "5% off everything" which specifically excluded that bookcase and a couple of other items so guess what: no new bookcase for me just yet. I know it's irrational but then so are most of our buyers :-)))
  20. Absolutely but just you also said: Some buyers out there will not SEE or KNOW about the service or added value even if it hit them on the head. So, the question is, how do you "not sell" (yourself, your cars, your service etc) while making sure the customers will see all these benefits?
  21. You don't have to. You are already winning in half the categories. If you were a film at the Oscars you would be the Schindler's List...