Nick M.K.

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Everything posted by Nick M.K.

  1. Knowing where to stop the prep takes a long long time. And comes after many sales where you know it should've been done but for one reason or another wasn't and the customer still bought WITHOUT moaning about it, ask money off or even point it out. In your example touch up and leave wheels is what I'd do. If the wheels were slightly worse I would redo them and change colour as David suggested.
  2. If you get Vat regd customer you offer a 20% discount “for cash” from the vat inclusive price I presume or even more likely tell them, oh, sorry, my colleague just told me it’s reserved for another customer.
  3. Nick M.K.


    Everyone nominates themselves. It's the winning that gets decided by a vote. I was asked to nominate myself a couple of years ago at CDX17 but swards and accolades aren't really my thing. Calling my business award-winning on my website though? Absolutely I'd plaster it all over all pages if I could.
  4. Nick M.K.


    He was one of 5-6 finalists but he got the No2 or 3 Highly Commended spot which on the website sounds even better
  5. We'll have to move way up North if we want to secure Dave's services :-)
  6. That makes no sense at all, unless they are trying to be clever and add 20% on top of the market price (hoping for a non-vat registered buyer) without having any intention (or indeed obligation) to pay that to HMRC :-)
  7. Did a new CRA came out this year? Don't think so. If you want customers with A LOT of time on their hands try electric cars. This year I sold 8 (average price £18K) and I must've done 30-35 viewings / test drives averaging 90 minutes. Newly retired accountants / middle-management / architects / engineers / pilots and one 85 year old East London pensioner (Millwall fan) who after buying the car visited me 3 more times with various tech questions. He did leave me glowing reviews, bless him.
  8. Nick M.K.

  9. I read a couple of posts recently and some people seem to have had a great month, others only just scraped by... I had a very good November, probably my best ever (not finished yet so the calculator isn't out) but I personally am never ever happy with my sales, I always think I could've done two-three more, could've sold certain cars for more or quicker, could've paid less for some part exes or repairs and in general when I do the figures I have this sense of unfinished business. So, do you reward yourselves at the end of a good month or go into the next trying to better it?
  10. Nick M.K.


    Once again Matt, congrats! A tremendous achievement.
  11. Lawgistics have said this many times so on occasions this allegation must've been true (legally speaking)
  12. They used several BMWs while filming, an M5 and several 535s (that got damaged)
  13. Dark green Audi S8 in Ronin, another Citroen XM and E34 BMW M5. I always had a soft spot for E34s...
  14. No but he could be the one that built the algorithms that allocate the "random" seating on Ryanair's website
  15. Apologies but with the number of cars waiting to be advertised I simply don't have the time to even read what you posted. Can you re-try in around 1500 words (the exact amount of words we have to sell a car on Autotrader)? 1500 characters rather than 1500 words :-)
  16. Does this mean that you actually need 2 brand new keys plus one new module as the old second key will presumably stop working with a new module?
  17. Similar to my M-B Becker Map Pilot Sat Nav that needed a PIN number. The dealer said new Becker nav module required, £400ish. It actually took 2 minutes on SDS to simply remove the stored PIN from the memory and to make the unit completely functional again.
  18. I started using it a month ago. Shows some surprises but generally confirms what we know. Because of the way I buy I don't use it pre-purchase but I have a good look at it when pricing and re-pricing stock. Already sold a car £1000 over what I thought I could sell at because the program showed 99 desirability score and 4 available nationwide for a car I genuinely considered undesirable.
  19. That's not just Brexit (although it certainly does not help) It's the general switch to online buying, especially in bad weather. You couldn't pay me to drag me in a store, never mind getting money out of me there.
  20. I think you'll get on really well compared to not having it. As an advertiser they are so effective (provided you use them correctly) that I see little point saving that money. Buying is consistently switching to online in many sectors and a web site, Google and a couple of badly performing cheap advertisers will not offer enough national exposure for your stock.
  21. There is a trade insurance requirement to add a taxed car to MID. What insurance do car repair garages usually have?
  22. Nick M.K.


    Well done everyone! Hopefully it was a fun night. Photos should be entertaining :-)