Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Don’t waste your money, save the ££s. It’s a used vehicle. Don’t overprep.
  2. You’ve been told repeatedly to get it brought back to you and properly inspected, you don’t know if it has been “driven to destruction”. You should assume “all customers are liars”. Remember. You are not required to repair anything that is a result of “fair wear n tear”.
  3. I have never purchased a spare key. “You only need one key” Mr Customer I used to say. Now, I show how many keys I have in the service history section of my video.
  4. What does you mean....... I’ve never had a moustache...... Yamas
  5. Work hard play hard Just cancelled AT for the 2 weeks, it saves me £700.
  6. You could glue the sellotape on with a nice dollop of evostik Or splat a dollop in and tell the billy it’s tree sap Or mix some evostik with tippex and some chopped Berlin and tell him it’s hardened bird poop Berlin = gerkin You can tell I’m bored.....
  7. Ha ha, I’ve bought one online already, nice RAV4...
  8. I’m currently on holiday, back to work on the 3rd. I’ve cancelled my AT contract, ended all of my other advertising and my phone is on Airplane mode. The only thing I can’t stop is surfing this bloody forum.
  9. You do not have to refund him, you have the opportunity to repair. He cannot refuse the repair.
  10. did you sell it to someone outside the UK in Ireland ? Or are you talking N Ireland?
  11. I don’t get involved in plate changes at all. I simply tell the billy to put it on retention themselves, they can then PX with me and forward the V5. I keep all of their documentation and spare keys until received. Never had a problem.
  12. Oh, do not pay a penny to that solicitor, he is talking bollocks
  13. Get the car back and have it inspected fully. That is your first step. Tell him once, that you will only respond by phone and between the hours if 9-5, you will not respond to texts at all. Take control of the situation. Tell him, once you have had the car inspected you will advice him of the outcome, do not make him any offers or promises until you KNOW what has happened to the car. You are a professional car dealer, act like it.
  14. Nik, you can’t ask him for more money. Take it in the chin.
  15. No I wouldn’t compensate, it’s their plate they pay. They’ve been lazy by not putting the plate on retention prior to selling the car to you.
  16. Yes, they put their plate on retention...they get the certificate, then transfer when the new v5 arrives.
  17. What I like about this forum is you can actually say what you think and have an opinion... the old AT forum was just an outlet for brainwashing, you couldn’t say boo to a goose. Bethany was just a stuck record, repeating corporate BS over and over again.