trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Sorry XFS,you don’t sound like a trader to me.You will need to prove to the guys that you are not a fake.
  2. If you have a contract they will hold you to that unless for instance you can prove they are overcharging.We have just adjusted our 3 month notice contract for a similar reason because it differed from our original contract which goes back many years.Can you not just offer to pay them the same monthly amount for spec checks only.I am assuming AT are not doing them.This appears to be a very smart move by AT,HPI must be furious.
  3. That would be a connected party transaction which has to be itemised in the annual accounts.Not a good idea incase anyone else thinks it is.
  4. Are you sure,they are charging us £3.21 for spec checks and we have 2 accounts,one of them for over 40 years ! By the way,I think your ads are excellent.They must impress the punters.We cannot do that !
  5. £750 - £1000 on a Focus ? If the paintwork is that crap you have a case.You know what you have got to do.
  6. Hols? That’s no excuse,I am in Mallorca now.
  7. I was recently asked to do a survey of our local BCA and make suggestions.As they are usually very helpfull,I had little negative stuff to mention apart from the usual, like time taken to find and extract blocked in vehicles in relation to buyers fees.Also the time it takes when you are left waiting at the gate behind a BCA wagon while security check off the load.My argument was that it should be done in the yard because it is their own wagon.What you have got to remember is that counter staff and management do get a lot of abuse from traders.Another good tip for newbies is always be friendly with the provisionals people and they will try harder for you.
  8. With all these big companies,the right hand does not know what the left one is doing.I have just had a run in with HPI,the accounts office did switch us off but the sales people reconnected us. The older you are,you get more annoyed with small things like me in the cafe at BCA Newcastle a few weeks back.It was my turn for the coffees and for the second time in a few weeks the Olympic shotputter women on the till wants to see my buyers card before she will give me discount.So because I am behind some supermarket buyer who got stuff for free,I start a rant about how long I have been an account holder and how many I must have bought and that I will still be buying after the guy in front’s supermarket has gone bust etc.which meant FA to her.Still had to show my card of course,the penny did not drop that I must have looked a complete dickhead.
  9. I think a bumper and a door repair alone makes it a grade 4.At Blackbushe it might even be Grade 5.How much extra paintwork will it need to make it saleable for you.
  10. Remember John Cleese the headmaster in Clockwise movie,maybe he was a bit like him.
  11. It would be called the Double Thread Initative. Hi ECJ,when you were at the council when signing stuff did you have the obligatory letters after your name.Why is it council wallers do this.However when I ask them what they are for and where they studied,they won’t tell you.
  12. Rory,we have moved on.I have already quoted a recent experience......Also,you must not know many academics,I have found that often they are not in the real world. Rory,we have moved on.I have already quoted a recent experience......Also,you must not know many academics,I have found that often they are not in the real world.
  13. I would like to know what sort of headmaster drives around in that.Looks like a complete ‘shed’ to me.Why would you want to throw money at it......I must be seriously out of touch.
  14. Balderdash !,Tradex that’s a compliment for me.We had a case lately where we nicked a swapper and priced it up and sold it for a lot more than the car they bought.Loads of negative feedback ( defamatory) and aggravation followed.
  15. The way I see it,the headmaster I assume has left it with AD expecting it to be scrapped.Then somehow he later finds out it is being sold by AD for a grand.I think that could have repercussions,school teachers are bad enough but a headmaster.He could be contacting his lawyer mates to concoct some rediculous case and then there is the feed back.....Just block it I think unless he has said do what you like with it.
  16. That is the sort of thing that you think you should have a good chance of buying.However you might find Car Giant have £1500 more than you for that.How often does that happen.
  17. There was a clean 11 plate C Class in Newcastle a few weeks ago 460000.It did about £1700.As for Black Horse B/bushe we used to get the odd good one out of there.( providing they needed paintwork ) this was before online buying.I used to like doing Blackbushe,great sale if you are switched on.
  18. That probably will happen,but you will be popping in more than that.
  19. In our job ? When you are on a good run,full pitch,no debt and you are knocking them out.I recall I used to love going in on Sundays when you knew you would do at least 5 or coming home knackered having done 10.Getting in at 11 having driven back a long way from some far away auction and you have bought a wagon load of good stock.....Past glories Unfortunately.
  20. ECJ you probably still have ‘public sector mentality ‘. I usually followed the rule,you can be successfull by working half days but you must work every day..........That way,the other 12 hours are yours.
  21. Biggest loss....back in 2008 financial crisis a lot of our stock had become expensive and could be bought a lot cheaper.So it was either sit and look at it and hope or chop the prices and take a big hit.So I decided to take a hit ,it must have been 6 figures and the stuff got sold.We were able to restock quickly at the right prices.Interestingly our year end figures were not effected that much.
  22. Geneva Motor Show...I never miss it ! I think BHM is the same. ( joke ) I had never heard of Pagani,sounds like a Pizza.However,just had a look at one,I would rather be seen in a 12 year old Micra.
  23. Great story.It is usually the case,the best things you do in business are not planned but happen by chance.