trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Calibra ? Which dealership did you work at .
  2. Dennis went down in my estimation when he did the voice over for Yes Car Credit.I recall seeing Bomber at BCA Tewkesbury in about 88. Can you think of any ‘ celebs’ you have seen at the auctions.
  3. You would think so,but then again look at the problems that manufacturers of PPE have had with red tape holding up orders.
  4. 3 axle stands ? still fixing ‘Eric’ stuff ( Auf Wiedersen Pet ) You are needed back !
  5. Congratulations that is a typical millenial answer.I actually had a row when I called into the bank recently and asked them to do a small transfer.They refused because I couldn’t remember various passwords.I had plenty of the usual ID.We have banked there for 30 years.
  6. There are still a lot of people out there who only have a land line and get offended when they are asked for passwords,PIN numbers,apps,user names etc when they at the counter in their bank and only want to transfer £x from one account to another in the same bank.So asking them for an E signature on a VAT sales invoice on delivery might be difficult.
  7. ‘ No handover signature requirements ‘ do these guys have that in writing from the VAT office.What will an inspector make of that when they examine your records in 4 years time.In the past,if a signature was missing,they could penalise you.
  8. That is brilliant,still laughing.The Doors had only recently been formed in 66.I think I saw a young Lee Marvin in there aswell.
  9. I have to say,that sounds like a true South Londoner.
  10. Yes he buys and sells at the auction with the same trading name.It will be on his BCA card. The problem doing that was you had to bung both the yard manager to line it up in the main dealer section and the auctioneer to turn a blind eye. It doesn’t, I was just recalling how Trading Standards treated a complaint from a ‘private buyer ‘at BCA.
  11. Case history involving a close friend proving private buyers at auctions have consumer rights.He bought a cheapie from the fleet section at our local BCA or ADT whatever it was called then.It had an engineers report on the screen.He then just reentered it in the next sale after paying for it without touching it.I often did the same.The same engineers report and vehicle description remained on the screen and the only difference was the lot no.It then sold and he made a small profit.A few days later BCA asked him permission to refund the private buyer and cancel the sale.He refused and Trading Standards then got involved,there was an independent inspection and the cheapie was declared unroadworthy.He was prosecuted and fined and with legal fees it cost him about £1500,a write up in the local paper and I don’t think he got the car back.
  12. Good point.However private buyers do have consumer rights when buying at auctions like BCA.
  13. Having scanned that,it still looks OK to me.I had a case where a guy claimed to have a garage repair business so we discounted and marked the invoice ‘trade sale ‘ etc.He then claimed for various work and took us to court.The judge said I was negligent for not getting a signed ‘ in the trade’ declaration so we lost.
  14. It looks OK to me.All their T&C’s are clear and easy to understand.Key to this is that buyers must sign a declaration form confirming that they are in the motor trade.
  15. I thought they were very good.Two honest,hard working ‘ nuts and bolts’ type guys who told like it is.
  16. Car sales guys usually get a hard time.Don’t deal with an order taker,deal with an experienced pro.Be pleasent and straightforward and you will usually get looked after.If you are happy with the service,it makes sense to stay loyal to the same dealer especially if the same sales guy remains.They will be pleased to see you and will do favours if you need them.
  17. Thought you meant car dealers dealing with car dealers.That one is easy,disregard 50% of what the other one says then divide by 2.
  18. Mr Barratt maybe a nice guy but come on,how can you keep a straight face and say Ford will continue to look after all their dealers and to support the British economy .In reality his boss,the current President of Ford who is from the office furniture business and gets paid $13m is terminating half the dealers,stopping production of many models,closing engine manufacturing plants everywhere and throwing thousands out of work to bet the company future on electric vehicles.
  19. Thank you,I will still have to ask permission from ‘she who must be obeyed ‘.
  20. I am a Facebook virgin and not allowed to join because ‘ she who must be obeyed ‘says I am liable to offend someone which causes us to lose our house.
  21. Would a patrol officer not scan the reg on the ‘ recovered’ vehicle after asking what you were doing.You might have to be travelling in the right direction of the previous keeper to get away with it provided it wasn’t down as being ‘ in the trade ‘. ....
  22. Hi Noa I have not read the small print about gov.lock down directions.I think technically you should be allowed to make a non contact delivery.However should you get pulled by a patrol car,I think they will still give you a ticket and turn you around.Keep on going and you are in bigger trouble with a bigger fine.Then the only way to get out of the fine is to challenge it in court by which time the police might have thought up other charges.I just watched the Ford UK CEO tell James Baggott that all Ford dealers are not delivering vehicles and lock down means lock down.
  23. Rory,I think Tango V might know what he is talking about.Also has anyone heard if Glasgow Mark got back safely.