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About NickGCS

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    Independent dealer
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  1. we got these a few years back
  2. We use Evolution Funding as our broker & can’t recommend highly enough. Dealt with us a a doorstepper but that was a few years ago! Once you are big enough obviously you will get better comms going direct to a few lenders
  3. We use it successfully, it’s about building your audience before boosting posts of individual cars IMO. Promote your page first with a boosted post & keep it interesting, not just repeat posts of your cars for sale, engage the audience & build a following interaction posts are good, competitions, and we quite like before and after photos - if you were getting wheels refurbed for example a slow process but well worth it
  4. It must be worth it when you look at the likes of the Holdcroft set up, literally a purpose built set up for the whole groups stock! They do it right as well, cars washed to appraise properly and fairly in our experience
  5. Supposed to be only franchised dealers that sell, we turned up at one a couple months ago that was more of a prestige specialist though! Car was spot on though so we were happy!
  6. We buy the bulk of our stock from DA, and Sytner. It’s a case of feeling out which sellers are good in our experience! I find both sites much of a much in terms of poor appraisals, probably 1 or 2 in every 10 has been miss-appraised depends what kind of stock you buy as well I’d imagine!
  7. We phoned last week to try and get the £227 deal. No chance the rep said. £460 something! Tried contacting Benjamin salter as trade vet mentioned him but he’s never gotten back to us
  8. We only have data from the last 2 months but from that it was £360 per unit. I was in the same mindset as you, as I thought it was far too dear. however I then looked at the “extra” sales we accumulated from AT, and the profit that brought it, not just net profit but finance comm, good swappers and any profit we gained from them, and while it seemed expensive on a per car basis ( and it is in comparison to other platforms) without it we wouldn’t have made the extra profit from those extra AT sales! I hate to admit it but it more than paid for itself, ROI I believe is the important thing
  9. Thanks Nick I’ll def look into that, certainly worth a go if nothing else! I tried gumtree for nearly a year and it just attracted complete idiots, plus they started advertising Zuto and the likes on my ads which was the final straw!
  10. I do now Nick yes (only since mid March), I know we have had 2 direct sales this month pre match data already thanks to this! Interesting to hear you mention the £175 for eBay motors pro? It’s probably the only platform I’ve never tried tbh. We operate fixed pricing and I just feel it’s inviting best price brigade but at £175 I’d only need 1 extra sale a month off it!
  11. Whats peoples thoughts on stock profiles performance on different platforms?? We have around 20 cars on a 12 car package on AT, rotate the stock. Tend to do up to 7 years old under 70k, mixture of ‘everyday’ cars, up to £15k retail and 5/6 vans signed up to AT before Xmas on the deal, now paying circa £900 a month, we recently got ‘match data’ back from Jan/Feb and I did exactly the same as many here and handed my notice in on Monday, something like 4 direct sales and 2 Non direct ( we sold 15 Jan & 17 in Feb ) I was completely underwhelmed. However on reflection I’ve gone back and looked at the actual profit we have made over these 6 extra sales (unit net profit/finance comms/trade ins profit) and it had more than covered the cost. My thinking now is that while the numbers were poor without AT we wouldn’t have sold those 6 cars to those exact customers and made the extra profit we did. I’m really torn wether to leave the notice in place or to keep the package going now, we’ve sold 21 this month, our best month since we started and I can’t help but think AT has somehow helped that. I know it works for some and not for others I just can’t decide if it’s working for us or we’ve just been lucky! March Match Data may be the decider!
  12. We had a 3.5t sprinter, steel back and a trailer Collecting 2 at a time all over the country I was convinced I was saving money - got pulled by Vosa, overweight in the truck with a polo on the back We were let off with a slap on the wrists which was lucky in hindsight. Since sold the truck, kept the trailer for the odd move, but use drivers now. Much the same price per unit I’ve discovered, by the time insurance, maintenance, tax, fuel etc is accounted for. I wouldn’t bother with another but depends on your set up, availability to collect etc
  13. Check out TextMagic, you can great your own display ID name, create templates, add customers etc. We use it all the time
  14. We have ours through Ivendi that Motonovo pay for. Works great and Ivendi are fine to deal with. on advice from another trader - don’t sign directly with Ivendi, silly get out clauses/12 months notice etc but if it’s through MN it’s all good in my experience
  15. Like this is exactly what we do, I bought a handle thing to hold the phone off eBay, as well as an external microphone that clips to your collar, works great and easy to edit on mymovie app