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Everything posted by Mojo121

  1. Waiting on something in writing from them. Spoke to the workshop manager, he says the leak needs doing but also commented it could have happened at any point. She's done 500 miles in it. Anyway, £1200 to fit a transmission cooler ha! The difficulty I'm going to have, I know, is explaining to her how the car isn't written off and how some of the repairs are not our responsibility or necessary when their total health check came to £2550. They also found a rear ''a'' frame balljoint, a weak bonnet strut and a rear diff with a slight weep - none of which is an issue. The a frame is just worn, workshop chap said it's a next MOT look at job. Slight diff weep is no bother either. A discount was given for a short MOT and potential remedial repairs at the time of sale.
  2. Uh-huh. Yep. Tell me about it.
  3. Update! So, no engine oil leak. Turns out, according to the ambitiously priced Jeep Health Check, it's from the transmission cooler and pipes, which also service the AC??... has anyone had any experience with these and what would be your response considering all the facts? The other bits they picked up on are non-issues.
  4. I don't know how true but I've heard the likes of Inchcape/ Bristol Street pay nothing. It wouldn't surprise me if they're not.
  5. This. It'll all be online only. Can't see the need for a 'certificate' now tbh.
  6. Agreed. Much more confusing for Joe Public, not to mention, visually, harder to read. I can’t understand the need for change.
  7. I still think an old shape Ka is a great first car, if it’s not rotten. Reliable 1.3 chain cam engine, great fun to drive and cheap parts a-plenty! I always thought they’d be the next Nissan Micra to the Kebab houses.
  8. We've done 7 all month. Doesn't feel busy at all... I've had one walk in all day looking for a first driver car for under a grand, with a year's ticket... but not the Ka or my nice 1 owner 1.0 Yaris. Had some Romanians in yesterday after something for £400. Times are hard.
  9. It’s all so anonymous that they can get away with it because no one person has responsibility. As a customer you just want someone to take ownership. I helped a guy we know get a better deal on his broadband and phone. A month later when it was meant to be changed over the bill was on the same old tariff. Called and I get through to the Indian call centre who give all the scripted answers “so I understand your query is blah blah and you would like to resolve this problem today sir?” “I can confirm your tariff has changed” “yes, but what about the £400 quid from this bill” “yes, sir. This bill is now paid” ARRGGH - I just want to talk to the human beings not the robots - so I ask to be transferred to sales (big companies put the capable lot in sales because it makes them money). I then get told she can’t transfer me because I don’t have a sales call. Well, tell them it’s a sales call. I cannot do that sir because you don’t want to buy anything. Okay, so I’m telling you I want to upgrade my package. They will not accept the call sir... I hang up. Find the number for sales and 15 minutes later 400 quid returned and an apology. The battle I find is always about finding someone half decent to get on a level and actually deal with it.
  10. Feel free to pm me a stock list, what you need for them and your location
  11. I didn’t watch the Watchdog episode with this featured but does anyone know what’s causing these cars to stall/ catch fire? Mixed reports I’ve seen have ranged from battery terminals degrading, faulty fuse box components and voltage spikes. We dred taking one back for repairs after they’ve had it a couple of months, imagine 600,000 cars after 10 years!!
  12. Good idea! I will bear in mind. Our (albeit basic) PDI doesn’t have a section for engine oil leaks. The more this goes on though the more I think it’s a ruse for something else. Lots of excuses etc. I’ve found a lot more out about the car and where it came from and I’m certain IF there is a leak it’s air con dripping, power steering or a pipe has literally just given way because the people who took it in are as straight as anything. Maybe I came across too soft at the time off sale... but I’m still trying to hang onto my faith in people being generally alright Thank you all for your input. I think this forum is really helping all of our businesses to properly deal with CRA issues. Will update as I go.
  13. I’m a similar setup to you I think. Space for 25-30 lucky to have 15-20 a lot of the time, all sub £3,500. You’re right, it needs to be a risky buy (auto or some old flash for no cash) or odd (which brings its own kind of specials) to get the phone going. Otherwise we’re lucky because we’re roadside.
  14. Agree eBay has fell off a cliff. Also interested in Best offer enabling!
  15. You can try auction4cars and dealer auction, if you don’t already know about them, but I know about them and don’t bother Buying stock is the hardest part of the job right now.
  16. In his other thread he said 2 months. Do oil pump tensioners have a recommended service interval? Or are they just a part that after near 10 years gives way? If an oil pump tensioner is failing how long does it take from failure to complete engine destruction (less that 2,400 Miles I imagine)? Are there any signs that could have been ignored by the punter - noises, warnings etc? Prior to the parts failure did the car demonstrate any behaviour that was unusual? I would get some advice from a LR Tech on some of the above and then think about your next step.
  17. I’ve asked her to get it inspected, multiple times, which finally she has agreed to. Originally I was told they couldn’t get it looked at for 2 weeks (!) which rang alarm bells which is when I asked for it to be brought back or I offered to contact mechanics local to her and arrange at my cost. She then tried to book it into Main Dealer at £99 p/h! In view of this I’ve offered upto £50 for diagnosis which (I think) more than enough for them to tell me where the oil is coming from. I can’t recall the amount of times I’ve told them I’m happy to get it repaired. An oil leak can be major or minor, that’s what I’m trying to establish. I’ve also told her to monitor the level which she confirmed she is comfortable with doing. Lesson learned about long distance selling!
  18. Okay. The customer lives 2.5 hours away. If I offer a refund or repair do I have to collect it? I don’t have anything on my paper work regarding this. It seems unreasonable to take two people out of the office for collectively 10 hours when I’ve done everything by the book?
  19. Quick annoying customer question - in the event of an oil leak (unconfirmed quantity) within the first 3 days of purchase can a customer exercise their short term right to reject? Car is 13 years old. My thought is that oil seals can and will perish after 13 years so I consider it to be a statutory repair. I’ve offered to repair but sadly the customer continues to refuse and appears to have decided it’s just a wrong’un. Not willing to roll over on this one though.
  20. Yup and when most warranty companies want 40% extra to put them on cover it says it all really!
  21. Amazing! A real skill in doing what you're doing, one I'm sure alot of us wish we had. Well done.
  22. They have to be the best in 50 miles in my experience as when people come to view they always have several to see. Had loads of interest in my last one but with the amount of viewers I ended up taking a reasonable bid (£150 off, discounted for short MOT) just to see the back of it. Yours sounds well advertised and right for owners etc ... try more photos, Mini owners are vain!
  23. Great. No more letters to old owners asking for S/H then!
  24. AHHHHH. Indecisive punters are the worst. Sometimes I feel like people have nothing going on in their life so buying a car becomes an event, a journey, something to fill their time with. When that journey is going to come to an end so quickly (they found their ideal car first viewing) and the idea of going back to their mundane life of no purpose rears it's head they make silly excuses. I think we all probably see it alot?