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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I've been to Germany recently, different world over there, the VAST and huge majority are wearing masks anywhere outside of their home. My brother has a house in Denia Spain, last week he witnessed an argumentitive maskless Brit getting slapped with a 105 euro fine..... the alternative was a trip to the local nick, which he was very close to. Apparently, the Spanish police officer even spoke reasonable english and, tried to do the decent thing pointing out the error of the guys ways but, there's no educating pork. Mr 'won't wear a mask guy' was a well educated Rupert, not some beer bellied tatt'd up lager lout. * nothing wrong with beer bellies, mines stupendous.
  2. 1 point
    I believe most police forces fleet are now leased and have been for many years. My friend Dave works for BT and they service a lot of other vehicle fleets, good earner. Their tightest customers are the lease companies for the plod squad, everything is cheapest possible, buy cheap buy twice attitude doesn't compute with them.....that said I've not spoken with him for over three years
  3. 1 point
    They used to mint them up to sell them........ then rather than minting them up they started declaring all faults at the block........ then 6 or 7 years ago they started auctioning them like everyone else by declaring sweet f.a.! I had some good do’s years ago out of ex-service cars, they were cheap & the public loved them - especially fluorescent yellow ex-NHS Focuses! Now it’s a lottery buying them, they ain’t cheap & the Average Joe doesn’t want them.
  4. 1 point
    Hahaha, I remember when this wheeze came in & being offered it, “Ideal for performance cars” was the guff, something to do with less expansion due to heat if I remember correctly. What a load of fucking bollocks. Rather like Manheim’s Checkpoint fee.
  5. 1 point
    Because there are some ignorant d1cks out there.
  6. 1 point
    Do you offer an upgrade option to nitrogen like quick fit?
  7. 1 point
    Worked with a South African salesman who was fantastic, great salesman but he could also be really rude and customers didn't notice / loved it / thought it was funny. One of his best Customer: I've been to a ford and they are going to give me £3000 in px for my car, what can you do?! Salesman: Grab your stuff, Let's go, I'll give you a lift down there!!!