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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    It’s kind of 6 and half a dozen our bigger truck takes 5\6 cars so if it’s a full load it’s cheaper but that run in the big truck is 2 days due to driver hours and being limited to 56mph, but if it’s just one then we have a single car beavertail which is tacho exempt as it’s under 3.5ton so it can do the same run within 24 hours and isn’t speed restricted. Hopefully going to add a bigger variety of trucks to the fleet as we build our transport side, it’s a fairly new venture for us which we just started to keep our own costs down.
  2. 1 point
    Good luck with it! Sounds like it has potential!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Funny you should say that! Friend of mine picked up a car from Scotland a week or so ago. Trained up and drove it back in a day. Apparently the car was cheap and so was the train ticket. I’m guessing driving those distances at 60mph will be a ball ache?
  5. 1 point
    Blast from the distant past.There is always a chance that a ‘ sharp ‘ auctioneer in cahoots with a trader might be operating the old.’ bounce out’ ruse.That is when stuff with a lower reserve gets quickly ‘trotted up ‘ and bounced through unsold.It is then flogged after the sale for ‘ reserve ‘ which keeps the vendor happy.The car is then re entered and gets sold for proper money..........surely not !
  6. 1 point
    Yes, it happens. Vendors need certain amounts back for cars... what can you do? Best thing to do is only pay your maximum and if it keeps going don’t get emotional - it’s not meant to be. Plenty more fish in the sea.
  7. 1 point
    If anyone needs any stuff delivered from scotland then give me a shout
  8. 1 point
    BCA are looking at opening a very restricted type of sale , one buyer per account & masked up , but its looking like the type of sale thats for the cheapie stuff just one day a week or two weeks . Thats from the horses mouth when i collected a car from our local BCA and talking to the manager , confirmed by another guy same day too . Online is far to easy for them isnt it Less admin people , less cleaners , No drivers. Cars dont need moving , More car park space , The staff arent in uniform , No Vendors to take care of creeping about . Just too easy at present
  9. 1 point
    For us long in the tooth traders there is no substitute for seeing and hearing cars in the flesh. You develop a good eye for sorting the wheat from the chaff. Online just doesn't cut it. And no, I don't trust the gradings. The savings and efficiencies benefit the auction house, not the buyer.
  10. 1 point
    I've only recently been in the "game" so not sure if my opinion will count, however the few I've sold so far, they are valeted and mechanically inspected on arrival/before they go on sale. Deposit, I don't take them, the way I see it, if they change their mind, less hassle for both, if they want it, they'll be back anyway. I am a little flexible, i.e if some says they' ll be back tomorrow, i'll give them till midday next day. With regards to the pedal, if you were confident there was no fault, you should have made it clear that is the way it is, or there is nothing to fix. We keeping learning though :-)