Here's my own sad but true light hearted take on all this C-19 bullshit ..................
The powers that be say
"Go to work, don't go to work"
"Get the bus, don't get the bus"
"Wear a mask, don't wear a mask" ...........
If you are exempt you have no legal requirement to wear a mask .........
One of the exemptions is "If you are uncomfortable wearing a mask" ..........
There is no "proof" of exemption (i.e. Doctors Letter etc) required ...........
You can now print your own little "I'm Exempt" Stickers to put on your lapel, jumper, hoodie, shell suit etc etc from off the internet
Everyone and his dog is now working /\ /\ /\ that one out, so guess what, everyone and his dog is now saying they are exempt and the Police / CPS / Procurator Fiscal would not be able to prosecute successfully, even if they actually wanted to do some proper work with the resources available ..............
When every other one of your Customers has started that old malarky, like all the Tourists and some locals up here have in Mels grocery stores shop, you might as well shut the business up if you exercise your rights not to serve all of them !!
But guess what, unless someone is wearing a sealed air fed mask and dragging a compressor etc along behind them, they will risk catching it anyway because the run of the mill masks don't work with microscopic virus particles anyway !! Medical scientists fact, not mine or Face - glued - screen - book bullshit
Do they significantly reduce the risk ? Do they actually reduce the risk at all ? ............
Very unlikely unless some twat sneezes or coughs a grolly on your moosh !!
Which was the whole reason for the 2m distance in the first instance
If the Govt now told everyone on telly, social media etc etc that repeated wanking prevented you from catching C-19 then a large proportion of the population would be wankers ...................
Oh wait !!
If it wasn't so fuckin' true it'd be funny
I do believe if I'm gonna catch it c'est la vie ..............
The only other viable option is to become a snowflake and go into "Fear and Self Isolation Mode" for the foreseeable