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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    The falling pound will affect the car market because the country will become poorer. Fewer people in work, pay falling or stagnating. Fewer youngsters taking driving lessons and buying their first car. Demand drops across the industry.. The value of currency is a good indicator of a country's economic health. It is significant because a lot of UK's debt is non-Sterling - so interest payments rise when the pound falls. Also we import more than half our food plus most of our cars, car parts, tools and equipment etc etc. It will all get more expensive. We all get relatively poorer and business gets a lot tougher.. The economy was struggling BEFORE coronavirus. In the first three months of the year the UK GDP fell by 2.2%. That's the biggest fall since 1979. I have been in business since the late 1970's so I have seen my share of ups and downs, but what we are facing now is the biggest downturn in history. The fact that the government are contemplating a no-deal Brexit with concomitant tariffs in the current situation just beggars belief. We are being led off a cliff. And I say that as someone who has been an active member of the Conservative Party for 27 years.
  2. 1 point
    Hello, Just wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone who commented you have all been very generous with your time and advice. I have got a bounce back loan but it is not enough to cover the costs of expanding and I have no access to capital from any other source. No they won't they understand that it is a risk and they are confident in the business model. Yes that is also something that I can do, there is a cheap parking lot not too far away where I can add additional cars if need be. Yes I agree with the stock type that is required in London, although sourcing them is never easy. With regards to the employees I have a couple already ready to start with me who have has prior experience in the field. That is why I wanted to ask everyone on here, I had the same thoughts cross my mind. So I thought I wanted to share my thoughts and see whether the figures and the basic indicators look good for me to take the step forward or stay as I am.
  3. 1 point
    I think you have already had some good advice but would add the following: - As well as rent you have business rates, employee costs, marketing, maintenance of the site, insurance, licencing, theft, vandalism........ - I ran a very successful business in London back in the 90's, we had a niche Franchise, tiny showroom you could fit 4 cars in. We had 6 parking spaces close to the showroom and the rest of the stock I kept miles away in a cheap space. Customers would call from the adverts before they came to see the car, so we could move it to the showroom or take the car, as we usually did to them. I knew, sounds arrogant I know, exactly what the market was and only stocked petrol and Auto SUV's and MPV's, I would buy others, but move them on in the trade for a profit, with the premise being the trade account will always cover my salary and associated costs. - Managing, recruiting employees will eat your time like you won't believe and getting others to share your values is key. Keep us posted.
  4. 1 point
    I can see the pound plummeting but not sure how that will affect the market. Arguably just make new cars more expensive and help prop up the used market. The cheapies market is where the action will be as people wise up to the risks around PCP and buy what they can afford to run in tougher times.
  5. 1 point
    if it all goes tits will these investors break your legs? if not and your busines plan is sound go for it