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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    But wait, just wait... someone will soon read this and explode.
  3. 1 point
    Nothing to pay ever until we are allowed to re open
  4. 1 point
    Nice one......I think he is still doing 200 shows a year.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Try ashley at uk global on here there was a lad at 20 on yesterday spoke to him on here and was on singing his praises this morning i got my insurance with the think insurance when i started out and was around 24 at the time guess there not much you can do other than get motor trade or speak to another bca branch and try your luck good luck best wishes
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Best thing we have today is the internet How much? I just go online and compare Cartels are still out there but theres ways round them now We live in a much better age plague or no plagues Supermarkets got a real nice kick up the bum with lidl and aldi All this baloney now of the bigv4 taking on extra staff,its only happening because they cut staffing levels back so far they are literally killing their workers Me I will stay with lidl and aldi they might be German but they care more and pay their staff more than the minimum wage
  9. 1 point
    May i also say Ashley is very helpful not currently a customer of his but I've asked a few insurance related question in posts etc and he has always been helpful and polite
  10. 1 point
    Thanks to all of you that have replied. Just had a conversation with @Ashley@UKGlobaland he was absolutely brilliant, anyone in a similar situation with insurance, definitely give him a call.
  11. 1 point
    That wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. The big supermarkets are absolutely ruthless, as anyone who knows a small company who’s tried to get ‘on board’ will know. Recently I was told some of the producers of the goods positioned in the shelves at the aisle ends are charged handsomely for the privilege. They’ll squeeze the pips on small suppliers until they squeal, the bargain-type shops that giveaway flyers tell their suppliers that their goods will be in the flyers & tell the same supplier they’re also paying for the privilege (+ also telling them to discount the items). I know of someone who is in the supply chain of non-food products (I’m deliberately keeping this vague). You think we’ve got it bad in the car game? Everyone wants a slice from that pie, they’re making pennies per item that’s produced in large factories & then the retailers, apart from beating them down every so often for a promotion then will stoop to almost anything to wring one penny per item out of the deal. Forget the smiley faces on the adverts, all ‘customer service is king’ B/S and the current adverts selflessly opening at additional cost to themselves to feed the nation. It’s the suppliers who take the punches in their game.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Its a good point you made about supermarkets though there always the happy bubbly member staff who will go out there way to help and the ones that say dont know not seem them when you ask for something
  14. 1 point
    You picked a very specific point. I ask this often. Because all biscuit packets are red or there's too much variety and i get Brain freeze
  15. 1 point
    Funny I remember going in to the supermarket years ago asking where the digestive biscuits were to be told in the biscuit aisle obv i meant where was the biscuit aisle she was just trying to be funny .
  16. 1 point
    Sorry i didnt know. I was AWOL from the forums for some time.
  17. 1 point
    Everyone should remember that it can just be the one rep that can be a jobsworth and ruin things. Think of it as going into asda and asking where the beans are kept and one snob says i dont know or we're sold out. Whereas another happy chappy will happily go in the back and get you some.
  18. 1 point
    The pitchforks were a bit frightening though
  19. 1 point
    So autotrader could help with IT Cant help with transport everything is on sorn I'm too old Hads lots of neighbours checking if we need anything I still felt young till this plague came
  20. 1 point
    Hi mate thanks. We always pay our rent on time and normally the quickest payers on the site. Very very understanding landlords. I hope everyone is healthy and staying away from this virus. Health is wealth
  21. 1 point
    I used to import a lot of cars and trucks from the states. Going back about 15 years I was probably one of the biggest UK importers of American Pick Up trucks. The best seller was the Dodge Ram but I also bought in F150's, Chevy's, Hummers and a few Mustangs. Back then the exchange rate was over $2.00 to the pound and it was worth doing. As the exchange rate slipped back it gradually became not worth doing and it eventually reached the point that I could earn more money out of something I bought at BCA. The last thing I bought in was a bright yellow 2012 Camaro Bumblebee look alike that I was stuck with for over a year and ended up taking money back. I think I had about £25K tied up in it and didn't earn a bean out of it so that was the end of it for me. The problem with a lot of American stuff is that you have to sit on it and wait for the right man to come along, I bought in a brand new Chevy SSR once and had to sit and look at it for two and a half years!. To say it is a niche market is a slight understatement to say the least and most of the big players who were at it when I was have disappeared and moved on to other things with the exception of a firm called 51st state Autos but the guy obviously has the money to burn as it's mainly pretty lumpy late gear that he deals in. It's a real shame as I have some fantastic contacts over there and still have auction access but for me $1.30 to the pound just doesn't make it worthwhile.
  22. 0 points
    Yes as you say next of kin be sorted sad thing is some time the legal next of kin is actually different from who the person wanted to be next of kin but died suddenly never got a chance to change it Seen it happen before with people separated but not divorced etc .