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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    No surprise. Let's not get 'holier than thou' about this. Businesses try to take advantage of consumers and consumers try to take advantages of businesses. I wanted to buy a digital thermometer last week - my friendly neighbourhood pharmacy had a couple left at £15.99 - I think they were about £2.50 a couple of weeks ago. A local appliance seller has massively hiked the price of freezers - ditto on Amazon. In the motor business you have to learn to deal with all sorts. Stay cool, don't get stressed. If I get an offer I don't like I just give them a polite 'no thanks'...
  2. 1 point
    Very true however it is only a very very small minority of scumbags. Tbh they probably wouldn’t buy anyway - I learnt years ago the likes of these shitheads don’t follow up after their talk.
  3. 1 point
    You could apply that to anything, post, food, petrol pumps or cash even?
  4. 1 point
    I think there is a lot garages helping the community by staying open and doing essential repairs and MOT’s.Otherwise there appears to be plenty of good people on neighbourhoood websites offering to help.There will be one or two bad ones aswell.One thing we could do,being generally more ‘streetwise’ than most public sector officials is lobby MP’s and councillors with ideas.It is doubtfull however that they would take notice.Things that annoy me at the moment like the registered hard working, tax paying self employed being discriminated against when being not allowed to work.The least they could do is send them a cheque for a grand per month like the US proposes.Then these reports of frontline hospital staff not being able to buy groceries because of panic buying.Surely these 250 grand a year Hospital administrators can arrange for space to receive groceries for staff.Then there is the free food banks,there must be a lot of fraud when you see the reports on local tv.There always appears to be overweight people being interviewed and others on their mobiles and smoking in the background who are supposedly on the breadline........Stay healthy and Good luck everyone.
  5. 1 point
    I had something similar today. The punter had the cheek to offer me 1k off the asking price stating "Corona Discount". His assumption was that we need the money - Showed him where the exit was.
  6. 1 point
    I am currently not selling cars but have plans to purchase if I see any I'm interested in so just yesterday I did a risk assessment Basically all cars I will transport in and be mindfull to only touch the minimum in the car to load and unload,I've got facilities in the truck to clean my hands Once unloaded I'm parking them up for 7 days in my compound and writing on the screen when they came in and will keep away from them I might only buy one but just like you cars are some of the dirtiest environs I've ever had to work with in my life Theres no way I would use say public transport at this time and this morning going for my paper it was feet and elbows to open the shop door then home to scrub my hands Call it zealous but I'm not getting any younger
  7. 1 point
    That's CARROTS I think carros is imitation chocolate
  8. 1 point
    Sorry, you are mistaking my comments about PayPal with the PayPal C.C. That’s like comparing money from a Barclays a/c to a Barclaycard payment.
  9. 1 point
    It will be interesting to see if Lookers stays open for business and have a future.One year ago their shares were £1,closing bell last night they were down to 11p.I think it is very sad as they were established in 1910,have 150 dealerships,plus parts distribution companies,employ 1000’s and appear to have been led downhill by ‘ Corporates’ with little frontline motor trade experience.I was going to buy the shares at 17p last week but held back,I am pleased I did.
  10. 1 point
    To be fair the writing has been on the wall for at least 6 weeks now,it was a waiting game that failed,talking to a local painter of trade cars established 25vyears he said yesterday that if we have a lockdown hes dropping his keys off at the landlords and walking away x this by so many small businesses and we might be in a very bad place in 12 months irrespective of any Grant's and free govt money its time China owned up and gave the world something back instead of a plague