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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    They can become aggressive as they get older
  2. 1 point
    LOL! Are you serious? The virus made its way from central China to places like Italy and Iran. I doubt the Channel is much of an impediment. Agree. For example, my youngest daughter works for one of the big travel companies. Bookings have dropped off a cliff. Company are talking about unpaid leave... she and her boyfriend have bills to pay.....
  3. 1 point
    Solo/ doorstep operators will be OK and probably don’t need to trade.For the guys with the premises and the staff that have to sell X number of cars a week to stand still,it is another story.I have been watching CNBC all day and listening to experienced financial experts and medics and I hope they are wrong.Its not just the virus,it’s the Russian/Saudi row and the knock on effect as huge oil companies may be forced into bankruptcy putting thousands out of work.
  4. 1 point
    I dont think the thread is about how as a country we are going to survive. Obviously we will make it through as usual. The thread is about disruption of business. Lets be honest buying a new car is not going to be on peoples priority lists right now. We are about a week behind Italy statistically and they are closing borders and cancelling flights right now. I'm not in a position to go into semi retirement for a few months so I will be out buying cars again tomorrow as usual...but its going to get messy. I suppose this time next week we will see a truer lay of the land.
  5. 1 point
    It’s not a good time to set up,I would keep your day job for several more months.You will have enough things to cope with when you do start up ( which you had never thought of ) so sit tight for the moment but keep asking on here and the pros will help.
  6. 1 point
    This could last for months. I think the economic effects will be a lot more serious than people think. This stacks on top of Brexit, which I am sure is going to be bumpy. The general population will suffer a fall in income and unemployment will probably rise. Big purchases will be a low priority. Two weeks ago I had a discussion with my partner and basically we are not buying anything in until we see how this pans out. We have cash in the bank to cover all liabilities for the next few months and will go into 'survival mode'. Incidentally I have just come back to the UK after a couple of months relaxing in the Far East. Bangkok airport was being kept spotless - cleaners continually wiping down handrails, lift buttons etc and alcohol gel dispensers everywhere. Same story in Dubai with thermal scanners and a team of medics checking all arriving passengers. Birmingham - Nothing! Went into the arrival area toilets and they were dirty and smelly. Took an hour to get my baggage. A real 'third world' feel in the UK nowadays. I have zero confidence in the government handling this potential disaster or indeed Brexit.
  7. 1 point
    220'000 cars sold in 1 year... let that sink in
  8. 1 point
    wear and tear, ignore text messages, all communication in writing, your communication by registered post, read up on cra
  9. 1 point
    Tell her to get real and do her worst. She bought it in September.
  10. 1 point
    The concerning thing is those poor souls who even though they are ill cannot afford to ‘work from home’ because they need wages to pay rent. So I’m staying off trains and buses!