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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Drive the 200 miles to them if they sound nice people, turn up smelling of brut and with a massive grin on your face, firm handshake get them in it driving it loving it give them the patter show them the docs and locking wheel key - spare key then politely invite your way in for a coffee milk 2 sugar and a bank transfer once funds showing as cleared wish them a wonderful afternoon and make your own way home via public transport or lift. PS dont send a donkey to collect payment and sell them it YOU DO IT
  2. 1 point
    FFb Dr y nu gd hjjgf fb t h g h.
  3. 1 point
    Customers are lazy and accustomed to online shopping now. Buying online is just the norm so for cars despite being high value some people just don't care. Convenience can be factored in for a price or charged for. I see no reason to worry.
  4. 1 point
    It's pretty straight forward to be honest. Deliveries we use Movex or deliver ourselves if not too far. We request payment to be made 24 hours prior to delivery date. We send a video of the outside and inside of the car showing all and any marks / scratches / cosmetic defects. We do a brand new MOT with all our vehicles and a PDi. Movex also do a Cosmetic PDi on collection and delivery. We only take a deposit (£250) but don't take full payment over the phone. Bank Transfer only for the remaining balance. You must make sure you're red hot on your DSR, CSR'2015 and ROW. If you're not and you're unsure on anything, don't get involved as it can bite you in the bum selling to the wrong customer who will pull your pants down.
  5. 1 point
    I just came back to your reply after few months and I must say(again) THANK YOU.
  6. 1 point
    Where's he getting his cars from? He's doing well buying at the minute... I could do with a new source
  7. 1 point
    My daughter bought a new shape Panda , F##Ck### horrible thing in red of all bloody colours , she had it for weeks and weeks and weeks with NONE , ZERO , ZILCH interest in it . Done 60k and was down to £2,495 . Then one morning this guy walks in , " can i have the keys for that Panda ? " of course sir I said , Shows him the car and he says " do you take PX Cars ? . Sure can look I said , what have you got . The 350Z GT over there , GULP well lets have a look , was a 40k car with 9 Nissan services and not a mark on it , "Wife hates it he says " It was like new , I'll swap you I go , as a flippant remark , ONLY went and said that's what I was hoping for Lets go to my office Not had nerve to buy another Panda though OH Forgot to say the 350Z is still in my daughters garage at her house ,