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  1. 2 points
    As far as I can see you have no contract with her finance company and therefore no obligation to them. You can quite happily tell them to do one. I would then place it in writing that you intend to pursue her for defamation through the courts, that you have instructed your solicitor to begin proceedings and that she will shortly be hearing from them. Obviously you haven't, but it'll make her back door twitch a bit when she reads it. I had a similar thing about ten years ago, couple phoned wanting to trade a very tidy Freelander in for a 206 I had taken in part ex. The deal made no sense to me at the time and to be fair I ignored their messages for a few days. They were persistent so I did the deal with them, but thought they would be trouble. The wife was a proper stuck up cow, some sort of trophy wife. They were a nightmare. Within 2 days the penny dropped this wasn't the best move they had made and so the messages began. First they wanted the old car back because she suffered with claustrophobia. I couldn't because I already traded the Freelander out. Then they tore the 206 apart, found the most trivial of faults and plastered reviews everywhere. I threatened them with court and the reviews were removed. They also told me that the 206 had been over-priced and that there was a law against selling over priced cars. She couldn't tell me which law it was but there definitely was a law. She would "accidently" send me text messages meant for her solicitor. After a month of obscene messages from them at 2 am, refusal to let me have the car back to inspect, I think I refunded them around £500 as a goodwill gesture to shut them up. I made them sign an agreement that it was in lieu of me undertaking any repair work due to our inability to reach agreement and that it was not a price adjustment. I made them come to me to collect the money and when the wife showed up this time she was rough as rats, no make-up and aged about ten years in a month. Shame. Going back to her moaning about the drop in the Picanto's value...….Brexit, tell her its all because of Brexit. Probably why its squeaking as well.
  2. 1 point
    Finance companies that pay commissions aren't going to interested in you without VAT I wouldn't imagine . You wouldn't generate enough business under 85k VAT limit to warrant their interest . Just look for a broker and use it to sell the odd car that needs finance , Orange Motor Finance will help you , Ask for Carrie she is really nice and helpful .
  3. 1 point
    Thank you everyone for the advice! Wasn’t expecting this many responses haha, I really appreciate it. One question I have is, are motor traders allowed to sell a car “sold as seen” so you have no responsibility for the condition of it? Say you have a scenario where you’ve got a car that’s been part ex’d and it’s not something you would usually sell or clearly has a problem - or is it just a case of sending it off to an auction?
  4. 1 point
    In that case - just make your company the Nominee and put the plate on. If things change, pay the £80 and make your son the Nominee again.
  5. 1 point
    Why doesn't he just put the plate on the car he uses privately rather than this sketchy set up which may appear to the insurance like someone is trying to bend the rules? I presume he is under 25 and probably restricted for business only. Or, why can't you just allocate the plate to your company and stick it on if it is that important?
  6. 1 point
    They would have left without the jack if they were with me trying to take wheels off . OUT NOW , don't even let them touch the oil filler cap or try the OBD reader from China either .
  7. 1 point
    Autobahn finance, tell them Adam sent you
  8. 1 point
    I find it odd when cars that are smashed beyond comprehension and of lesser value are either Cat N or S, and a £20k car with a water damaged engine and a bone dry interior, is a Cat B. It is simply nothing I have come across before. Is your point 2 is what exactly? That I've bought and repaired cars with a water damaged engine? Are non runners immoral purchases?
  9. 1 point
    I'd write her a letter of complaint and threaten to take her to court for defamation if she doesn't remove the reviews within the next 14 days. It's £60 and probably worth it for a laugh. Dirty miserable old girl needs teaching a lesson. Tell the finance company to fuck right off aswell.