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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I’m torn. There will be rich pickings but for those who lose their jobs, businesses and homes then I have sympathy with those who just ended up in the wrong place and the wrong time. In truth we’ve had it too good for too long, and sooner or later we need a reset. I think those who think house prices etc only go one way might learn what those of us who remember the 80’s learnt 40 yrs ago.
  2. 2 points
    Leave means leave, no if no buts no coconuts
  3. 1 point
    We seemed to do ok before being in “Europe “ in-fact we signed up for a common market- 8 countries if I remember correctly. Far from what it is now. The EU even wants its own anthem for gods sake!! I’m am not European, I’m British and proud Europe need to trade with us as much as we want to trade with them, so that can be sorted. We can also trade with the rest of the world once out- a far bigger market by the way. So it may be quite at the minute, because the country is consumed with the outcome, and the politicians lie and line their own pockets in the turmoil. We just need to get out- that’s what was voted for, and those politicians that block it are committing treason as far as I’m concerned.
  4. 1 point
    I personally think the downturn is already here, consumer confidence is destroyed, the value of the pound is destroyed, crime is through the roof, morale is rock bottom and all this before “we” have even exited. A small island in the North Atlantic will be great again after tearing itself from the rest of Europe. Yeah, right...
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I think everyone here overlooked the most obvious thing, it's French!
  7. 1 point
    I'm certainly not reliant on trade with the EU , But i remember when two friends lost their trawlers after the EU stole their fishing grounds , one committed suicide actually his losses were so high , We lost touch with great traders after we joined the Common mkt and wasn't allowed to trade with them, after that it got worse . So trading deals works both ways in my view and i have never liked the close shop EU way . Regards my customers and yours , My view again is there will be customers in abundance when we get Britain back under our control again and stop the EU taking our factories and work out of this country , Plenty of British people would like the work I bet and that's were all our customers are , give people the work and pay them " they will spend it if they have it in their pockets " that money is no good for Britain if its in a Dutch/French/Polish/ workers pocket . We cant pay them if we don't make things , That's were my customers are . Regard trading with the EU , what on gods earth makes people think the EU farmers , Car Makers , Wine cheese and anything else trades wont want to trade with us after we leave , we want Britain back not build a bloody wall , we like our EU friends , its not war . We just need control back . watch others leave when we go . I for one don't believe a down turn is heading our way , but we need out before we lose anything else , to make it work , or we will get the euro , and a bunch of rules and they will bleed us dry doing it .
  8. 1 point
    Yeah absolutely. Most of these guys will end up working for BP when they graduate
  9. 1 point
    The economy is heading up not down isn't it ,making our own choices will be the benefit not the disaster but that's brexit and its also very British . Every business that goes to the wall has done something wrong THEMSELVES not Brexit , Not the lack of trade , not the so called lack of customers . They actually stretched their business with too heavy a loans , Stock funded , overdrafts , finance loans , 2nd mortgages and the rest they get up to . Looks good , even great on paper but they just push too FAR . They forget that a loan is there in principle to making money to invest BACK in the business not spend on houses, holidays, and whatever else . So those that choose this way to achieve the business are their own regression in the making if they don't control it , some lots don't . I feel for those who go under for genuine reasons , but the high flying loan mad junkies that go bust , " good riddance i say " I was taught the hard way , sell invest , sell invest , slower i admit& harder oh it is , but when it gets going and the takings are yours as well as the profits its a nice feeling as many of you old school traders will agree with .
  10. 1 point
    are you not looking forward to 'making your own laws nick', it'll be great?
  11. 1 point
    Agree with your thoughts all the way .
  12. 1 point
    Did not screw the country it’s all conjecture. No one actually knows- but if we all get positive this country could actually be great again. Those that lost need to stop whinging and accept the result. I for one look forward to getting out.
  13. 1 point
    Did you not see the plumes of soot coming out of it in the video when they got the pump running? Worse than the leggy 05 1.5dci Megane I (literally) smoked for a bit
  14. 1 point
    I can’t believe the OP will think there is a recession looming and it is not because of Brexit. Everyone that voted Leave won but in doing so screwed a whole country (two actually when you count Eire). On a positive note Recession is actually great news for used car sales.
  15. 1 point
    I wonder how much dirty diesel they used driving that old Fire engine through London?
  16. 1 point
    This! Oil pressure, injectors, chains... the list goes on
  17. 1 point
    With my track record, I should avoid anything with 4 wheels