This made me chuckle.
I don't see the huge difference in this period (Aug-Sep) from the last many years I've been doing this. It's the period we're in.
I mentioned before some may do extremely well as it will be the right car, the right price at the right time for the right buyer. We all have moments like that, it's a tremendous feeling.
The only thing I've noticed that is different, is the amount of good quality stock available at the moment. That i turn has driven the prices up tremendously as we've all seen and the fact that there are some new "BIG" players in the used car market so they are no longer entering stock through the AH and are in turn reselling their own P/ex's as well as buying stock from the AH themselves.
It will all settle down and it will all pick up, there is no need for a major panick or conspiracy theory about Brexit and the likes, it's just the way business goes. Take the Highs with the Lows.
Of course in your spare time review prices, review pictures, review articles, adverts, etc... In my eyes, "Those that run a business and have spare time are not running a business correctly".
Just my 2 cents