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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    hi AW Motorgroup and welcome as a new member ive made a spreadsheet for inside leg measurements can you please forward yours at the earliest convenience so i can get my spreadsheet duly sorted
  2. 1 point
    I do get the odd one that sits for ages and you just want to sell it for nothing lol but that's everynow and again.
  3. 1 point
    Morning , Have been lurking for a year or so thought I should introduce myself and thank you all for the valuable information gained already. I have returned to the motor trade after a break of over 20yrs during which time I managed to build and sell a financial services firm and retain a small property business. The FCA compliance and the last load of exams I took made me realise although I had made reasonable success of it there were 20 odd years I hadnt enjoyed and could nt replay so I needed to change before its too late. The start of my motortrade career in the early eighties was washing vehicles in the morning and petrol pump attendant in the afternoons. Was nt very good at being employed ended up self employed at the age of 21. The things You miss thread tickled me striking many chords. I was one of the boys from "the country" taking shiney japanese stuff with "ahem" mechanical challenges which certain groups found appealing! down to Belmont Charlton. " lovely Blue bird estate freshly in from the country ideal for runs to the wholesalers during the day minicabbing in the evening, by the way marvellous jacket you have their sir must bring me back one next time you are home will you start me at 2 grand!" Great well spoken Auctioneer could write a book on that place. Fast forward to now have10 to 15 in stock and have ranged from £1495 upto 20 odd grand all different stuff but still havent found my niche. In the past I have had phases on mk1 minis, rover P5b's, 7 series volvos, 3,5,7 series BM, 2.8 Capris and Yanks but still looking for my modern speciality. Minis were in the very early days have trouble getting into one now! Any way that is probably enough , I am enjoying myself again and look forward to interacting in this forum and helping if I can. Cheers for now Fatboy
  4. 1 point
    Loving this thread, great to see motor trade banter is still alive and kicking. David Horgan ,large 4x4,s have been considered but warranting Range Rovers scares me ! Used to be fairly safe with the Landcruisers, Hilux, 4 tracks etc but not so sure now. Back in the day even had a Shorrocks supercharged Range Rover 3.5 with a body kit and alloys that made it look like a Suzuki bigfoot jeep.....tasteful!. After the novelty had warn off was wedged with it for ages but funnily enough managed to unload it to a trader outside Belmont Auctions in the end. Off to the pub now for large chilli and chips and a few guinness.......you dont get a body like this without feeding it!
  5. 1 point
    Hi and welcome amer
  6. 1 point
    Hi Amer, welcome aboard!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    yes what OP needs to do now is get advice from solicitor and if all in order make statement under oath to police that car was driven without his permission if this isnt done a summons will be coming quick for IN12 SO TO SUMMARISE LEGAL ADVICE FIRST THEN nail this lying person before you get nailed
  9. 1 point
    Hi Amer welcome and good luck for the future you seem like a sound guy remember everyday is a school day . all the best
  10. 1 point
    That's a very true statement . I see what works as good value not usually how cheap .
  11. 1 point
    Thanks for the great welcomes !. All I can say is I am a pretty sensitive fellow when it comes to weight but when I got on the scales this morning the reading was " one at a time please"
  12. 1 point
    And when you have one puncture, you get a run of punctures then go 10 years without one. I had a nail one tread to the left of centre (huge tyres) and (desperate), I took it to Formula 1 Tyres (multinational), who said that they cannot guarantee a repair because it is too close to the edge. Me, shut up mate, we're in the same game - here's £20, fix it and lose the invoice. Tyre was on +7mm.
  13. 1 point
    Its so easy when you get a sale like that. Efficient, quick and easy, a buyer thats actually read the advert or watched the video.And no hard sell required. Good work, and thats your hard work and set up paying off for you.
  14. 1 point
    Are you on some sort of sponsored threadathon?
  15. 1 point
    Just had a lovely straight deal on my S Class. Lovely couple, both Bulgarian. Propped via my website, accepted - came with all their details/ID to satisfy Close Bros and their PX was better than expected. Hadn't seen the car only my video, quick look around and big smiles - back off to Sunny Devon. Why can't everyone behave like this?