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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/19 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Yes. Contacted the customer yesterday saying there is definitely something wrong so he called up his bank straight away and called me back saying after spending an hour on the phone doing security checks and everything that goes with it turns out the lady who did the original transfer via phone banking put the last digit of our account number wrong and they had sent the money elsewhere and have managed to rectify everything nearly but he must go in to branch to show his I'd and few more security checks and all should be sorted, only issue is that he's a coach driver and doesn't arrive home until this evening but has promised he will go into branch first thing and sort it and was very apologetic. So no money yet but just looks like a mistake from natwest. Will post update tomorrow either way we get paid or the cars getting collected.
  2. 1 point
    still waiting for that 350m for the NHS mind.
  3. 1 point
    dutch auction we did that at harvest festival for the onions i bid 3/6d cant imagine anyone with half a brain buying into this but wait theres lots of half brains in this country that voted remain they should do well
  4. 1 point
    “Poor me, nobody wants to give me free advice” Now I know you’re probably not thinking like that but that’s how you’re starting to come over mate. I have found the best way to get the most out of this forum is to try and figure shit out for myself and if I really can’t find the answer, help will be given. As said above, there are dozens of “new traders” a year on this forum and many never return. Self warrant. You warrant yourSELF. There’s a thread literally next door to this one about this very subject. Talk of keeping a pot by and paying for WARRANTy claims yourSELF? Think of it as a rite of passage, you have to wade through the salty old fuckers who have been worn down by the industry before you get to the enthusiastic ones who are still happy to talk about the job on here after having a day at it. Or they are so busy running a successful firm they have little time to help. Without this forum i’d be at least a year behind my own personal progress, it’s genuinely a gold mine. There’s a guide on “how to” at the top of this forum that covers the basics like what you’ll need. Good luck with it. Find out as much as you can by spending a week reading this forum’s last 100 threads. That’s what I did when I started 18 months ago and I didn’t have any experience in the trade at all. Zero. You have 4 years. Then when you have attempted something and half fucked it up (you will) ask on here and you’ll get help.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Reading this thread makes me love my card terminal Cash thats 4 days in unknown cyber space would really make my blood boil I dont trust people now days to pay unless it in my bank showing up on the screen or chip and pin debit they are NOT leaving