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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Nobody is safe! If those sorts of 'nasty' people want to find where you live, they will? Think like a MI5 agent. Always take a different route home. Zig zag to avoid the bullets
  2. 1 point
    At the moment it seems nearly every dealer works 7 days a week and goes to an auction on bank holiday with the idea that they’ll buy a load of cars at a steal because no one else will be there. The reality is it’s no different to a normal day and with an army of private there on a jolly things can often be worse, 9/10 I’ve gone I’ve wished I’d just stayed at home, turned off my phone cooked a nice meal or gone out and done something - sorry, it’s just what I see in this trade and it kind of depresses me!
  3. 1 point
    Years ago I’d of said you might nab one or two but tbh I find nowadays it makes little difference cos if they don’t get bids the auctioneers bounce bids off the walls. They might as well replace auctioneers with machines nowadays. I don’t know with your type of stock but with mine I can hardly find any cars I really want anyway. Finding suitable stock seems desperate at the moment, or the stock offered is in desperate condition
  4. 1 point
    That’s called “The Mrs”. So so true. My last two XC90s (£5500 & 5750) the buyers did not give a toss, both deals done in about 15 minutes. It’s worth mentioning that they had usual Volvo side bolster material splitting - I pointed it out to the buyers this weekend & they looked at me as though I was from outer space for even mentioning it. Now imagine the response of the typical BMW/VAG man! What would follow would be a pitiful display of greed, whinging & nonsensical comments brought on by their expectations of perfection.
  5. 1 point
    Just got to keep changing to the market conditions and having stuff that the big supermarkets don't have to get the margins.