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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Ditto, I've been like that since I got Divorced at 40, do as little as I can now for as much as possible, and do what I want when I want
  2. 1 point
    So when you make little you are not tight and you can comfortably afford everything??? Two grand a month? Are you f****** kidding me???
  3. 1 point
    In our job ? When you are on a good run,full pitch,no debt and you are knocking them out.I recall I used to love going in on Sundays when you knew you would do at least 5 or coming home knackered having done 10.Getting in at 11 having driven back a long way from some far away auction and you have bought a wagon load of good stock.....Past glories Unfortunately.
  4. 1 point
    Do what you like doing and you'll never "work" again.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    We each run one forecourt and overlap a bit. Generally I do the scabby one because the stock needs more looking after and he does the cleaner one with stuff that generally just needs standard ticket and service stuff. Took a while to find our roles but it works well. Clear communication and lack of ego is the key. (Secretly I love dealing with the hard work stuff, gives me more satisfaction, probably because of the OCD) I fully agree with you being fussy btw, the stuff on your site always looks really well prepped and pictured, nothing wrong with being a fussy git when it's your capital involved.
  7. 1 point
    Every car ready to go serviced / MOT if required... Most of them not worried if it's got 9/10 months MOT on collection. Think I had one last year who wanted 12 months it had 9 but willing to pay £50 for peace of mind.. cup of coffee, car in the work shop 40 mins later we're both happy ! Personally don't understand some who put cars up for sale then put it through the worjshop after selling it. None of know of hidden costs so surely better to get it prepped , yo uknow the costs and the car is ready to go. Customers love the fact its one journey local or national most want to drive it away same day, instant - money in the bank, stops them shopping elsewhere , cash flow ++++ Not rocket science IMO!