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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hahaha, hell NO! They care about price, price and price. Also history and long MOT. Mileage is important to them but if the price is right they will buy at whatever miles. Also, don't obsess over number of previous owners, does it have two keys, does it have leather or sat nav. And learn which automatics to avoid, which automatics are NOT automatics and also which automatics the trade avoids BUT are easy to fix when broken. My hate list is led by the Ford Powershift, Toyota MMT, Audi Multitronic and anything French or Vauxhall. Not much left to choose from, I know :-) Don't get me started...
  2. 1 point
    Hi, Welcome, and wishing you all the best
  3. 1 point
    Anyone searching for jump start packs on Amazon will see a huge choice. You might be influenced by the product reviews, but the problem is whether or not many can be trusted. If you are not aware, there is a free website - www.fakespot.com - which uses a clever algorithm to analyse reviews for signs of "deception". You simply paste the URL of the Amazon product page into fakespot and it comes up with a 'Grade' for the reviews of that product. I'd say it's not infallible ... but it is very interesting to see how many products seem to have *very* high levels of fake reviews! (I'm assuming that some companies must be "buying" fake reviews to get more business as quickly as possible). Obviously fake reviews don't guarantee that a product really is bad, but I was going to buy a jumpstart pack on Amazon a few weeks ago, only to be put off because of Fakespot. Even if you don't fully trust such algorithms, it's quite good fun to try it out... :-)
  4. 1 point
    Easy mark , just ask the couple to call DVLA to say they can't remember ever seeing the V5! DVLA will post a new one out immediately as it's still in their name - you collect from the customer, quick and easy - Done this a few times and its worked for me. Umesh
  5. 1 point
    +1. The faster you learn, the less hard you'll have to work. Spend a few days going through old threads on the forum and a few hours on a couple of trips to Blackbushe. I like your idea about small newish (petrol?) automatics, not because of the city you live in but because of the London market which is an hour away on the train from you and they WILL travel an hour, trust me.
  6. 1 point
    AT is and was my biggest bill. Hands down. I slagged Autotrader off for a bit, was almost at a point of giving it a go without them felt they were robbers etc then I had a bit of a moment of realisation. I was always doing well, it was always working, it always brought the most leads in but I was just seeing this whopping big £3k / £4k a month bill. I thought well if I am paying them all this money lets get the absolute maximum out of the package and try to make it work for me. So I write a clear and coherent advert as best as I can for the cars. I explain the services we offer in the adverts. I offer a video when ready for all cars. I take multiple pictures. I track every lead as carefully as I can I am very keen to find out where buyers have actually seen our cars and try to work out if they are using multi platforms. Autotrader is no longer viewed a my biggest bill, its actually brings in the lowest cost leads for us. It is the modern day shop window for desirable stock.
  7. 1 point
    Good on you Nick. It's the sort of thing I would have done years ago, before adding 'never sell to friends or family' to my list. Or if you do, charge them more and get the money upfront. Also, I learned early on, never to decide for a lady! Remember: 'No good deed goes unpunished Terry'
  8. 1 point
    Being a purveyor of older vehicles I still view these twin-motor wonders as an expensive, wasteful and potentially problematic way (imagine when a 10yr old one throws up the EML - arrgggghhhhh!!) of dealing with an alleged problem. Anyway apart from the half-hearted attempt that was Honda’s original Insight my next experience was a Prius taxi the other day. Admittedly I was absolutely pissed but I noticed 3 things; 1) The transition from electric to petrol was imperceptible apart from the pretty pictures on the dashboard. 2) Full bore, twin motor acceleration was pitiful. 3) Priuses must only be bought by non-car people who view cars as white goods, alongside fridge freezers etc. What an absolutely miserable way of motoring, I was glad to nurse my hangover the next day in a warbling T5 Volvo belting out decent horsepower. I’m sure we’ll get there (Tesla’s technology will filter down) but at the moment these ‘halfway houses’ of hybrids are an expensive distraction.
  9. 1 point
    Great introduction. Good luck to you. Being part time is great for learning but you could never do this job part time long term. You can’t dip in and out, like you could with other jobs. I was part time for 5 months but luckily my old job was very relaxed and truthfully I was spending too much time learning the ropes and not enough time doing my day job. Auctions happen when they happen, punters want to see a car when they want to see it, rain stops you photographing, mopping, smart repairing. It’s something you have to arrange your life around, at times. Lots of people want their own business, why not, it’s rewarding. And why shouldn’t you have one, no one is stopping you. As a doorstopper you HAVE to understand the importance of digital advertising, marketing, have an eye for detail, stand out, don’t be sloppy with presentation etc. Online buying is going nowhere, it’s a big part of the world and will only get bigger. Good luck mate, trust me if I can do it you can. Learn fast work hard. You’ll be sweet.
  10. 1 point
    Ha ha Because my experience tells me that my life isn't that simple. It's down on the assured report as inoperative, so just throwing it out there to see if anyone had any experience. Back in ya box, please...
  11. 1 point
    Guess thats why you start with an £8000 margin on a Bentley so that after prep and a 90 day stock turn you only end up loosing about £2000
  12. 1 point
    Ok, fair point. Maybe 99.9%r