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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    i will begin this week 6 bottles of finest french wines...thank you i box of dairy lee chocolates ,nice aftewr being in the fridge and its only thursday hic nice wine.....................wifes gone to bed zig zagging
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    It's given me some great leads, but you're right, guessing a keyboard to hide behind brings out people inner pricks!
  4. 1 point
    Don’t let it put you off buying from private sellers.If you have the time and patience you can get some good stock.
  5. 1 point
    Upselling from shite to further shite at the risk of leaving your customer exposed to disappointment for a longer period. 99% of people never read the small print, Your customer will be under the illusion they have some kind of cast iron no quibble warranty. Lost count of the amount of times Warrantywise quoted wear and tear or the missing service stamp 7 years ago on the 10 yer old shit box and would not pay out. Then telling the customer to take it back to the dealer for a solution!.. Yeah thanks for that. Of course Im giving you the shit side of the coin but you will come across it.
  6. 1 point
    under 25 you wont get naf all [age we are talking] i try to avoid that age range anyway 25 up to 40 if they've had proper shitters all there life they will appreciate it if you've sold them a good car, and will text after a week, "just to let you know the cars great, thankyou for your help" was a recent one, and they will recommend you, now to me, thats better than a drink, because i dont have to spend on advertising, i don't have to discount to compete, and the sale is a lot easier and more relaxed,ie, i am not looking at folded arms . i very rarely drink so sell the bottles on anyway . 40+ if you look after them they will return, and buy again, the sensible ones if they have a problem, and you sort it for them, and charge them, they will pay you more than asked, because, you've given service, you've removed worry, and they've got faith in you. and that's very similar to a bottle or a box of chocs
  7. 1 point
    F**k me, what are you guys doing to get bought bottles of wine and thank you cards? And how long are you spending with them? Never had anything off a punter myself bar their money which suits me fine, it's a business not a social club. If they turn up without being full of buyers remorse and don't phone on Monday morning with an EML on then that's a job well done in my book!
  8. 1 point
    Were they a bit cheesy? I have never had a bottle of anything. One 60 year old man bought a Corsa VXR off us, gave us a box of celebrations and then turned into a customer from hell when he got his ruler out measuring panel gaps. Once got a £20 cash tip off someone. Never even had so much as a thank you card.