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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    This happened to a friend of ours .started selling from home , Neighbours got very jealous and reported him . Planning man came round , took reg of cars to check they were reg to him . Result is planning won , he moved to a unit and gone from good to better doing the job so it worked out great for him . At home he bought 4 bangers , and I mean bangers , rusty bangers , MOT and insurance later they were parked out side his house for the neighbours to look at . Didn't like decent clean cars on his drive he says so now his 30k car sits on the drive and the bangers on the road all outside his house , They tried moving them to NO avail, reg to his wife insured on MID and they all have an MOT and tax . Been there two years now . One neighbour complained about the state of them so he painted two of them with house emulsion paint in pink Jealousy !!!!!, route of all evil they say Hope it works out for you Marc
  2. 1 point
    They will genuinely hate you, there may be a couple who give support but deep down they wished you weren’t doing what you are doing. You are bringing their area down, you are devaluing their homes. These people don’t want a Motor Trader in their area. They will talk together in groups, they will stare at you, you will be hated. There is no getting away from it. You will have punters turning up unannounced, they will knock on neighbours doors asking for you etc etc. The coucil will try to bully you, you will get threats and letters. You will get notes on your cars, they will be vandalised and more. It doesn’t matter how discrete you are, they will be watching and believe me some sad retired bastard make there daily goal to stop you. Other than that it’s great Keep Smiling to them, be polite, keep discreet, don’t take up roadside parking and fuck em. You have every right to do what you are doing
  3. 1 point
    This is a good solution. Slightly less professional/more dodgy looking by arranging to meet at a petrol station but you could always find tune this. Explain on the phone you are a doorstopper and out of respect for your neighbours privacy and security you meet away from the home until you know the punter is genuine, paperwork is completed from the comfort of your dining room, free coffee and biscuits all round. State you’re sure the punter understands the need for privacy and security in this day and age.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Marc I too am a home trader but I currently have about 15 cars (including my Transit and my car transporter) on my driveway, only the Transit is in the road, right in the very corner of the cul de sac under a tree (where no one else would want to park). I was worried sick about the neighbours but to be fair they have taken a genuine interest and I go out of my way to befriend them and to respect them. There's still one or two that I "worry" about and one two faced bastard (i can just tell). I do NO mechanical, valeting or prep work at home, it is all farmed out (or done quietly in my garage). I am a quiet neighbour with a lot of cars. Carry on for as long as you can, it may settle or they get bored. My immediate neighbour has offered to take me to collect cars and my postman has actually taken me on 4 or 5 runs. It can and probably will turnaround. Don't worry about the council until it happens. The first neighbour to complain to me will receive. "I park nothing in the road (except the van). If you want to complain, I shall regsiter and tax all 15 vehicles and park every fucking one of them down the street, you decide your next move."
  5. 1 point
    This has been covered before, if the main use of your home is family home then the use hasn’t changed. You have every right to be self employed and to work from your home. BHM, put this argument to bed previously. with a link to the government website about small businesses. Maybe he can find the link or thread.
  6. 1 point
    You’re planning on moving business premises because of a few nosey neighbours? Ignore them, they don’t put jam on your bread. As for jealousy over cars get used to it, for some reason I’ve never fully understood, cars rear-up the green eyed monster. Comments like what you’ve received only show them up for the bitter jealous bastards they are - you aren’t going to change their views so let them get on with it safe in the knowledge that every ‘new’ car will be eating away at their souls.
  7. 1 point
    It's your business mate, if you don't wanna go in, don't. I've got a handover on a RRS in the morning and I'm buggering off fishing for the afternoon. For fish, for a change, not punters.