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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I would say the one thing on here despite our different approaches to selling cars is we are all pretty honest traders. We might jazz stuff up a bit, etc etc but no one on here is selling cat damaged cars and not telling customers or anything like that. Sad reality is there are plenty of places who run their business model like this clocking / buying accident repair / selling bodged up death traps. Its a full time job, new name every few months, go back and complain get asked if you want a fight, car goes wrong so what zero comeback. When you do the job right and fix problems, sell fair stock and look after folk you don't need to be dropping money off nice cars either.
  2. 1 point
    What a great first post. Hello and welcome. You're services are too far away from us, but we wish you the best of luck and hope someone takes you up on your offer and you both benefit greatly Nice to hear from someone offering advice instead of the recent influx of people asking to to spoon fed from more experianced dealers
  3. 1 point
    so, we dont take bids ? but do we bid ourselves ? when your buying, do you bid less? just last week , i did, was buying tools, asked for a discount, i do it whenever i am spending cash, new tv ? discount ! anything, discount! new or second hand, if i think there's a opportunity, then yes, not piss takingly low, and not if i think the price is good or the seller is struggling !
  4. 1 point
    I do lay it on thick for amusement! I should add I see the car is older than I first thought - the bloody old thing is 16 years old! Tbh the likes of this thread annoy the f***ing life out of me - a nice, helpful, honest (I assume) trader being milked of their time & professional experience by a punter who was ALLEGEDLY shafted over by a third party. I look forward to finding out when D&M get recompensed in some fashion for their two days of work so far on the car THAT THEIR FRIEND HAD MISREPRESENTED TO THEM, albeit possibly in ignorance. It’s just another Champagne taste, Lemonade money punter who bought an old BMW cabby knowing fine well it’d been in a prang, had had parts replaced but thought they’d save a fiver on a car check. Ok, IF the story is accurate the seller’s dodgy but so what? That’s not any of ours concern. The BMW’s owner has had enough of the car the dealer they want to sell it has found it’s on the register. So what? Give them the f***ing keys back & tell them to crack on with it! At the end of the day it’s just an old cabby for the ‘bit of flash, not much cash’ market. DOES BEING ON THE VCAR REALLY AFFECT ITS VALUE??? Not bloody much! DODGY DEALERS?? There are thousands of them, you can tell half of them with their evasive adverts & photos. Don’t fight other people’s battles. Finally, let us all remember the ancient (even older than the BMW) saying in Latin; Caveat Emptor! Yep! Pure greed motivates these people. You can’t rip-off an honest man.
  5. 1 point